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The Hydration Foundation is deeply involved in…..hydration.  But, surprise, let’s think big on hydration issues, and hydrating plant crops and even more, soil microbes turns out to be where we can have the biggest impact for planet restoration, more so than even human hydration.  

Plant and Crop Hydration

More than 70% of water use on this planet goes to agriculture.  Stunning findings are emerging around the use of structured water instead of regular water.  By using simple funnels that spin the water on irrigation systems already in place, we now know how to reduce water need by 20 to 30%, retain moisture in the soil longer, use less chemicals, produce better plant health and better crop production.  But that isn’t even the Big News.   

Soil Microbes Hydration and Soil Carbon Storage

The Big News is that structured water produces better hydrated microbes in the soils than regular water. Structured water delivers electrical charge into the soil, unlike neutralized regular water. This electrical charge improves microbial health and diversity. At least that is what preliminary case studies are indicating, and believe us, we are creating initiatives to get testing done by credible science sources. Imagine, by just a simple shift in the kind of water we irrigate with, we can regenerate soil the world over.  And soil carbon storage is one of nature’s best strategies for ecological balance.  

Our biggest impact then at the Hydration Foundation?  Spreading this information . . .

Structured water not only moistens, but restores efficient, coherent cell-to-cell signalling,  not only within a plant, but within a microbial soil community, igniting whole biological ecologies. Tweet that, please, and see our latest Appendix below:

Agricultural Application of Structured Water 

Appendix to The Role of Hydration in Health and Wealth, Gina Bria, Hydration Foundation in: A New Global Agenda: Priorities, Practices, and Pathways of the International Community, D. Ayton-Shenker, ed., Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Annual Policy Advising for UN SDG 2018

Introduction to the Use of Structured Water in Agricultural Practices 

Gina Bria                                                                                           Hydration Foundation, 2019

The use of specialized water in agriculture has long standing traditions in every culture, information passed on generation to generation   These traditions persist through something as simple as grandma saying, “Water your garden with rain water.” Savvy science from tropical cultures provided admonitions as complex as the urging to collect mushrooms hit by lightning to add to irrigation water for enhanced crops.  Long treks to spring sources or extensive projects to bring irrigation across clay and ceramic-tiled channels, such as those used by Inca and Mayan, all speak to techniques involving specialized water for growth promotion. 

Why are we not using these known beneficial strategies in our modern agricultural practices, just as we face formidable water scarcity and contamination issues? Prestigious labs and field studies have confirmed that there are indeed specialized phases of water molecules based on dipole charge position (Pollack, 2014), and more information appears everyday from field studies. Indeed Russian and Israeli work seems to be way ahead of western academic interest.  

We hope to change that by providing a brief but compelling overview of research references and case studies below.  Information remains scattered across many disciplines and even comes as unpublished or anecdotal evidence. Further confusion abounds because these studies call specialized phases of water by many names, depending on what disciplines or analytical tests are applied.  

Tracing these threads through the literature and across fields links structured water, liquid crystalline water, EZ water, ordered water, magnetic water, and energized or living water as fundamentally phase related.  

But why isn’t water just water?  Wet is wet, isn’t it? How did water ever get so out of alignment?  Pressuring water through straighten pipes and chemically “washing” water are two widespread practices that cause water to lose electromagnetic coherence and change water phases from charged to uncharged.  According to Dr. Yuri Tkachenko, of the Russian Academy of Sciences and author of over 500 studies including ecology, agriculture, food biotechnology, and wastewater,  60% of the charges of tap or  regular “bulk” water molecules are in a chaotic state, manifesting “plus-plus” or “minus-minus.” charges. But in nature, as water freely spins, the water molecule charge is in a “plus-minus” position, literally creating electricity.*  Structuring water significantly increases the interaction of dipoles, making available again water’s driving biological dynamism, just as did those ancient techniques. 

Structured water restores efficient, coherent cell-to-cell signalling, not only within a plant, but within a microbial soil community, reconnecting inter-dependent biological ecologies.

*Tkachenko, Yuri, (1995) The Mysteries of Magnetic Energies. Professor
Tkatchenko is a graduate of Leningrad Polytechnic Institute and a member of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Science, and has been honored with numerous government decorations, including the Order of Alexander Nevsky and the Order of the Maltese Cross. 

Research Articles and Talks:

Alternative Irrigation Methods: Structured Water in the Context of a Growing Global Food Crisis due to Water Shortages, Ptok, Fabian, CU Scholar, Spring 2014, University of Colorado, Boulder

Diver, Steve & Kempf, John, Bioenergetics in Agriculture  – this includes structured water

Harman, Jay  Alternative Cure for Global Warming, Fluid Dynamics and Spiral Water Movement, TEDxMarin 2013 

Hatfield, J, & Kempf, John, Agriculture is in the Carbon Capture Business, Dr. Jerry Hatfield runs the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment.

The Impact of Magnetic Water on Plant Growth, Environmental and Experimental Biology, Teixeira, J., et al.   (2014) 12:137-142 (Editor’s note: Structured Water creates electromagnetic charge the same as as does Magnetic Waters)

Pang, X. & Deng, B.,Investigation of changes in properties of water under the action of magnetic fields, Science in China Series inPhysics, Mechanics and Astronomy,  (2008) 51: 1621. 

Pollack, G., The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid and Vapor, 2013

Pollack, G., & John Kempf, Rethinking Plant Physiology and Absorption of Nutrients from the Soil – for more efficient delivery of water.

Wall, C. & John Kempf, Regenerative Practices for High Yielding Cotton from Advancing Eco Agriculture Webinars, 2020

Case Studies:

Remarkable Field Tests Results with Chad Wall from Natural Ecosystem Restoration

Results in Agriculture from Greenfield Naturals

Water Enhancement for Farm and Commercial Improvement  from Greenfield Naturals

Organic Fruit Trees, Structured Water Comparison, TerreSante AZ, 2010 using Natural Action Technologies

Almond tree trunk measurements and growth comparison, TerreSante, AZ, 2010 using Natural Action Technologies

Soil Carbon Storage