Where Toxin Removal Really Comes From
Minerals work with Water for proper molecule formation
Water and hydration is our concern here at the Hydration Foundation, so why would we care about minerals? Because minerals, crystals in themselves, couple or bond with water molecules to deliver energy, frequency and information for all cells to receive instructions.
Water literally sorts and delivers instructions from minerals for proper molecular formation, for the shape and job each molecule will carry out. Water delivers, based on it’s own molecular arrangements or structure, the right amount of energy and information for the next task needed. Water tunes and harmonizes crystal frequencies of minerals, creating the right volume and amount of information.
A mineral deficient diet essentially means the loss of incoming information for proper molecular formation and energy transfer. Chaotic molecule arrangements also means poor cell signaling or communication. The human result? Fatigue, Depression, Inflammation, not enough energy to heal.
Minerals plus water are the fundamental elements, the mother/father combination necessary for life to ignite, spark and flow. Without water minerals stay inactive. Without minerals water is like a blank slate waiting for instructions. Of course, that is a simplification of a more sophisticated and ingenious system. Here is a bit of a “chicken first, or egg first” quality to our understanding. We don’t know whether the minerals ignite the change of structure in water molecules, reorganizing water’s shape, or the structure of the water allows minerals to activate and create their electron transfer. Best to say for now that minerals and water are in relationship, responding to each other simultaneously.
Minerals must pass through water molecules which are themselves a liquid crystal. All work together to tune, amplify, harmonize and balance outgoing energy and information. So minerals are essential instructions to correct molecule formation and function and structured water acts like a circuit board for where, and how much energy is delivered. A recent publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science identified that the transfer of protons and electrons arise from water molecular arrangement. (Marichal, 2011) From our own childhood, we already know water comes in different molecular arrangements: vapor, liquid, ice. Water itself shows us that these forms are rearranged molecules. A snowflake is a visual picture for us of this truth. Each snowflake exhibits its own arrangement. From the work of Sassen, we know that “melting snowflakes backscatter unexpectedly large amounts of depolarized energy (Sassen, Nature 255: 1975). The water inside us is doing the same rearranging and distributing of energy creating signals and information transfer, in short, instructions.
The structure and organization of the water molecules is essential for organizing all our bodies’ systems. And it is essential that we recognize that we have, through water treatment facilities and pollution, disorganized water molecules and depleted our soils of minerals. New approaches are needed. Explore the many approaches, new and old, we advocate here at the Hydration Foundation.
3 Conditions When a Water Filter is Necessary
The most important characteristic of water and hydration is electric charge. We accumulate toxins because of the lack of electrical energy flow. Real hydration is not more drinking, it is getting water with charge into your cells. That means restoring the original electrical charge of Nature, that’s real hydration: water conducting electricity. Restore charge to your water and let water do its ultimate work of filtering, as Nature planned.