By Gina Bria
I have long been drawn to all images with a circle in a square, so this is why you will find so many “cyma-glyphs” throughout our website. In fact, according to their inventor, John Stuart Reid, Director of Research at,
just looking at a cymaglyph will activate corresponding resonances.
The photos on Hydration Foundation’s website are taken by a CymaScope, a revolutionary new instrument extending the range of the telescope and microscope into the previously unseen landscapes visualizing sound and frequencies. The CymaScope has been presented to NASA, to the Royal Society of Medicine, and National Geographic and interest in using it as a new scientific instrument is high.
We gratefully and delightfully acknowledge John’s permission to publicize them on our website and let you enjoy them too. You will find cymaglyps throughout our Instagram posts as well @hydrationdaily
You may ask, how are the Hydration Foundation and CymaScope connected?
It turns out that water is the most exquisitely sensitive recorder of sound there is. And this is true inside us as well. Being well hydrated means that cell-to-cell frequencies are well sent and well received.
The CymaScope is currently being used for a study determining the effects of sound on human blood cells. Believe it or not, this has not yet been tested because no scientific instrument existed, until now. John Stuart Reid is an acoustics engineer, scientist and inventor with a fascination for sound and electronics that goes all the way back to his early childhood, culminating at age fifteen with a thermionic valve radio telescope complete with chimney stack-mounted parabolic antenna, which allowed him to listen to the signals of the early satellites and noise from the stars.
He studied pure electronics at Northumbria University and went on to work under Professor Joseph Joshua Weiss and Dr Alastair Johnson in the Department of Radiation Chemistry at Newcastle University where he worked with their Febetron beta-ray field-emission device and Electron Spin Resonance machine. His primary interests lie in understanding the mechanisms that underpin sound therapy and developing applications for the CymaScope instrument.
In conjunction with Professor Sungchul Ji of Rutgers University, the CymaScope Laboratories conducted blood experiments with music! Please go to the CymaScope website for exciting updates.
Hydration Foundation’s Pop Up Travelling Water Museum: A Movement in Water
As if this wasn’t amazing enough, we haven’t addressed the potential use of the CymaScope for it’s sheer artistry. At the Hydration Foundation we are involved in an initiative to bring this beauty wherever we can through a traveling exhibition called A Movement in Water. The exhibit or water museum, besides presenting John Stuart Reid’s work, is in collaboration with noted film artist Maxi Cohen. The CymaScope will be installed in our traveling exhibit so that voices will visibly resonante as you enter. You will see the projections surround you as you experience the role of water on our planet. Stayed tuned to see it in a city near you.