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When you think of the sun, many of us think beaches, golfing, boating and relaxation. We also think of hot days, sunscreen and the risk of skin cancer. When you google “sun and hydration”, one finds plenty of information on how to hydrate on hot summer days, sun and dehydration, sun and skin cancer, skin cancer and increased risk of death, etc. 

You undoubtedly know the old adage from Irish playwright and poet Oscar Wilde, “Everything in moderation, including moderation.” It seems this is certainly the case with the sun. 

Sunbathers Live Longer

Harvard Medical Publishing ran an article titled, “Here’s Something Unexpected: Sunbathers Live Longer,” about the conclusion of a study in Sweden that prospectively followed 30,000 women for 20 years and compared mortality rates for those exposed and not exposed to sunlight. 

The study found that those who spent more time in the sun actually lived longer, had less heart disease and fewer non-cancer deaths than those who reported less sun exposure. In fact, they lived 7 months to 2 years longer. This study was published in the peer reviewed Journal of Internal Medicine and the authors in the publication stated that the reason why more sun exposure might prolong life or prevent heart disease deaths could not be determined by this study. But they did hypothesize that the sun’s UV light triggers chemical reactions in the skin that lead to the production of vitamin D. 

The Many Benefits of Vitamin D

So it’s possible that vitamin D is responsible for the health benefits of sun exposure. Vitamin D is one of the super vitamins that:

  • helps our bone and teeth health
  • bolsters our immune system
  • regulates insulin
  • and benefits our cardiovascular system.

Before you rush out to buy vitamin D supplements, if you are not already taking them, perhaps you should consider a ground-breaking explanation of another benefit of moderate sun exposure from the legendary Dr. Joseph Mercola. 

Sunlight Intensifies the Structured Water in our Cells

“The crux of my focus for the last few years has been on understanding the dynamics of what is responsible for increasing human health span and essentially being able to live well past 100 with all the function of a 30 or 40-year-old and none of the disabilities. So I think that’s possible and as an artifact of those practices, I think you’re going to incorporate lots of structured water in your body because I think it’s a key vehicle and does many magical things. So how do you do that and you improve your mitochondrial function? And when your mitochondria are working better and they’re not dysfunctional, they’re going to produce the ATP. And ATP provides the energy, sort of the heat to change Actin to a molecule that facilitates the improvement of structured water (within our cells).” said Dr. Mercola.

The Fountain of Youth

This is a bit much to take in all at once, so allow us to explain this in simpler terms: our mitochondria are organelles found in large numbers in most cells and are responsible for respiration and energy production. The better they work, the more energy we have. This energy is stored in our ATP (adenosine triphosphate). for every cell to use. Proteins use this energy, like actin, which is a protein necessary for our muscles to work and contract. Actin has the beneficial result of intensifying the structured water in our cells. They move the water in our cells. So according to Dr. Mercola, “the key is the structure water inside the cell.”

Could sunlight’s intensifying effect on structured water inside our cells actually be the proverbial, long-sought after Fountain of Youth?

Dr. Joseph Mercola is an osteopathic physician who began exploring the world of natural medicine in the early 1990s. His focus on preventive care led him to pioneer health information on the Internet. has been a top source of health information since launching over 20 years ago.

Dr. Mercola has been a powerful advocate for investigating the role of structured water and through his interviews has launched a powerful chorus of voices, among them, Dr. Gerald Pollack, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Zach Bush, Dr. Dana Cohen, each of whom we present on the first ever Hydration Summit.  And of course, Dr. Mercola is famous for his amazing health newsletter, read by literally millions.