5 Surprising Dehydration Facts You May Not Know
Dehydration is defined as the condition in which the body’s loss of water exceeds its water intake. We need water for our bodies to function normally.
1. 100% of Us Are Now Dehydrated
According to Dr Zach Bush, MD. of the thousands of patients he has seen over the last few years, not a single patient tested positively for being hydrated. He thinks this is due to our modern lifestyle, environment, and food and water systems. In fact, he considers dehydration to be the epidemic behind the epidemics.
2. Driving Dehydrated is Similar to Driving Under the Influence
That’s right, a study in the UK tested drivers who were dehydrated and found that they made on average twice as many errors as those who were hydrated. This is about the same number of errors that drivers made who consumed the legal limit of alcohol. Dehydration has been linked to a drop in concentration and short-term memory and an increase in anxiety and irritability. Conversely, studies are conclusive that hydration can improve attention and memory, especially for children.
3. Only 15 Ounces Of Water is Consumed Daily by US Youth
According to a study reported by the Centers for Disease Control, US youth consume only 15 ounces of water on average per day. The very same youth who drink less water tended to drink less milk, eat less fruits and vegetables, drink more sugar-sweetened beverages, eat more fast food, and get less physical activity.
4. Chronic Dehydration is the Cause in 20% of Patients with Kidney Stones
A landmark trial involving over 700 patients concluded that chronic dehydration is a common cause of kidney stones in over 20% of patients and that this can be treated satisfactorily by simply increasing water intake. Patients with kidney stones who drank more water saw a markedly lower incidence of recurrence.
5. Only 3-4 Days to Live Without Water
As reported in Medical News Today, on average, we can only live for 3-4 days without water. While this can vary, humans can only survive a short amount of time without water because the body needs it for almost every process, including regulating body temperature, aiding in digestion, lubricating joints and the spinal cord, helping the brain make and use certain hormones, delivering oxygen, and eliminating waste.
If you find these facts interesting and surprising at the same time, you may want to read about 5 Surprising HYDRATION Facts You May Not Know. Click here.
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