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Mother Earth is Calling Us Through Water

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Dr. Zach Bush, MD is a triple board certified physician who inspires the next generation of practitioners. He links gut health and soil health. His message: to heal ourselves and the earth together. Director the M Clinic in Charlottesville, VA.

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Zach: Hello!

Gina: Hello!

Zach: Hi there! Good to see you.

Gina: I am so full of joy to meet you.

Zach: Thank you so much. That’s so sweet.

Gina: It is sweet. I hope we’re going to do beautiful work for the world together.

Zach: Oh, I’m sure we can.

Gina: Thank you.

So, I am recording and I’m just going to say welcome to the Hydration Foundation. Thank you so much, Dr. Zach Bush, for joining us for Doctors Talk Hydration and helping us spread our mission which is to hydrate better. And we are so looking forward to asking you a series of questions. I even wrote them out. So, you might see me reading them to you but now that you know a little bit about our mission at the Hydration Foundation and I read so much about and so many people introduced you and I thought I’d like you, if you wouldn’t mind, to introduce yourself. What would you like to say? We can all look up your credentials but I’d love to hear you say how you’d like to introduce yourself.

Zach: Thank you.

First and foremost, I feel like a kid all the time. I’m a kid that’s kind of slowly growing up in the world. I feel a lot like my children. Both my kids are in college right now and I get to watch them right now. That’s like spark of excitement and this optimism in them where they feel like there’s just like the whole world out there and the world is their oyster and they’re going to just go out and discover and explore and create. And I have to say I just feel that same thing in myself with each passing year now. I feel like a kid that is on the cusp of a great discovery. And that discovery ultimately is about why I’m here and what I’m here to do with everybody else that showed up right now, 7 billion strong. So, I’m a kid who’s feeling blessed to be part of the world, feeling blessed to have showed up at this tipping point of human history. And in my childlike journey, I became a doctor, I became a scientist, I became specialized in internal medicine and endocrinology, then real joy in my hospice and palliative care specialty work and that end of life care but, ultimately, I think, at the core I’m a husband and I’m a dad and a joyful community member and love everything from the outdoor projects and outdoor hobbies to the Yoga and spiritual pursuits and everything else that I do in a week. And so, just like everybody else out there in the world, I have different interests and pursuits but I think that ultimately I’d introduced myself as a fellow child.

Gina: God, do I love that! Fellow child.

Well, fellow child, let’s talk about the essence of hydration, how important it really is, how urgent actually it is. And we have Dr. Gerald Pollock saying that … He’s the bioengineer who’s identified a fourth stage of water. Beautiful work. We revere his work here. He’s helped us a great deal at the Hydration Foundation. He is saying that by molecular count a human body is 99% water molecules. That’s pretty special. It helps us rethink “Wait a minute, I’ve heard all the numbers – 70%, 60%,, but this is a new way to help us think.” And I’m looking for new ways to help us think about hydration.

I heard you say 100% of us are dehydrated. Those are new numbers to think with. I would love you to say a little more about that.

Zach: I think, what’s the empirical evidence of that, I don’t certainly have a clinical trial to prove that we are 100% hydrated but after almost 10 years now my clinics measuring almost every everybody’s hydration potential that comes to the clinic, so we’ve got thousands and thousands of patients that we’ve measured over time and we have yet to see an optimally hydrated individual in regards to their phase angle which is one of our best measures of intracellular, inside the cell, hydration. And so, certainly in our clinical experience it’s been 100% of our thousands of patients that have come in dehydrated. And most of them, I would say, look well when they walk in. They may have complaints of some fatigue or back pain or who knows what other complaints may be there, we certainly see a lot of cancer and autism and autoimmune disease, but it’s interesting that my autoimmune and chronic fatigue patients actually are not any worse hydrated than then my general public coming in who just are trying to do optimal health and wellness kind of measures. And so, in that experience, I would say that everybody’s dehydrated but then if we back up from that experience and back down into the cellular environment to say what allows for a cell to be hydrated, there are fundamental injuries happening in the human body that prevent optimal hydration due to environmental injury. And that environment injury has become so ubiquitous in the forms of herbicides, pesticides, and other forms of antibiotics in our water systems, in our food systems and the rest that leaves us very, very vulnerable to these injuries that at their nature of hydration create this vulnerability or intrinsic challenge to the hydration process.

Gina: What would you say are the top three. I know you’ve got a plethora of statistics in your mind floating through but just for who we’re helping to listen to this, both fellow doctors who can take some of this knowledge into their own protocols and practices but also for the general person, top three reasons why hydration is so important.

Zach: The number one thing has to do with what the water molecule does in the body. And, ultimately, we need to stop thinking about the human body as a cellular entity. And we certainly have a vast number, 50 trillion or 70 trillion, human cells depending on who you talk to you. And that’s a lot, that’s a very large number. I think none of us can really wrap our mind around a trillion but 50 trillion cells is a drop in the bucket numerically to the number of molecules in our body. And that’s a drop in the bucket compared to the number of atoms in our body. And so, ultimately, we have billions and billions of atoms that will make up any single molecule and or any single cell and then you multiply that by the trillions and we’re now up in these astrological size numbers in regard to the number of atoms in our body. And those atoms are ultimately the fabric of who we are. And that’s not just us as human beings but that’s what the table is, what a flower is. Any solid structure in our environment is this atomic structure that’s got organized energy and organized matter within it. And the energy is ultimately the majority of that. Some 99.999% of the atom is vacuum space, full of energy.

Gina: Amazing.

Zach: Electromagnetic field. And only 0.001% of it is solid.

Gina: This is beautiful to listen to, yes.

Zach: So, ultimately, we’re not solid creatures. We’re a tiny bit of matter organized around an energetic force. So, we are energetic beings at our center. And then you have to ask, well, if we’re 99.99% energy, how is that energy giving us the impression of a solid table sitting in front of us? That solid table is a tiny bit of matter that’s now being organized in such a way that it creates an energetic space that feels solid. And so, that organization that turns out in the human body and any other biologic system is managed by the interaction of the water molecule with the energy field. So, in my book, the bottom field is the translator between biophysics and microbiology. It is literally the translation point. It’s literally the adapter, if you will. And you can imagine, taking your computer and you have to plug that into the wall to plug into an electrical grid to make the computer work. In the same way, I believe that biologic body has to plug in through the water molecule to access the energy that is available. And when you are well hydrated, when you are really well plugged in, you literally have access to all of the energy of the universe, which is infinite, obviously. And that, again, is kind of a bold and strange statement but the reality is electrons are free to exchange all the time and they do indeed exchange all the time. Electrons will exchange for my protons into yours over a course of a few days and across the course of the United States. So electrons are traveling worldwide over weeks’ and months’ time and we’re exchanging with electrons that are coming in from deep reaches of outer space through the electron flow that comes into our atmosphere in the form of the ion charge that creates the image of the Aurora Borealis that we’re all familiar with, those Northern Lights, that’s an electron flow into our stratosphere, which is then translated through 100,000 lightning strikes an hour to the surface of the earth. So, then the earth is being charged by that deep space electron source and then we’re being charged with that and absorbing those electrons every time we go outside or especially if we will touch the ground bare feet or whatnot. And so, we’re tied into this infinite supply of electrical energy.

Gina: Yes, come on in through the medium of water and hydration. Absolutely.

Zach: So, in some ways, that’s probably enough of a reason to stay hydrated,

Gina: It sure is a big reason, yeah.

Zach: So, number one is you’re plugged into biophysics through the water molecule.

Number two is genetically. And so number two, your DNA strands that are also famous in the Watson and Crick double helix there, that DNA strand actually doesn’t function, doesn’t bend well, doesn’t actually create that nice structure double helix well unless it’s coated with water. And so, that water molecule’s really critical for genomic health and genomic function. And so number one, I would say, is an energetic connection. Number two is a genomic connection.

And then number three would be a protein folding phenomenon. Protein folding is one of the most mysterious and remarkable miracles that happens in every single cell every single day. Protein folding is not just a tertiary structure but actually what’s called quaternary structure, a string of amino acids that are being produced by an RNA string and which is a template of the DNA. And so, the DNA inside your nucleus has to create a copy, a mirror image in the form of a messenger RNA that then travels into the cytoplasm of yourself, which of course is all water. And then the water molecule sitting on top of the RNA now provides the interface for the enzymes, the polymerases which are large enzymes that run along the RNA to start tagging amino acids, matching amino acids to each nucleotide sequence of the RNA. Those amino acids now form a long protein chain that then has to do a three dimensional and then a four dimensional shift into this functional unit. And so, this quaternary structure which is a very cool energetic phenomenon in three dimensional space has to happen for an enzyme to be functional. And 90% – 95% of the enzymes in our body are actually produced by bacteria and not even human cells. So, whether we’re talking about the microbiome or the human cells, these large proteins that are going to do the heavy lifting of everything from cell metabolism to cell repair, cell regeneration, all of these are really desperately dependent on water being coherent enough to allow for very well-composed protein synthesis.

If there’s enough stress in the system – and remember stress is ultimately an energetic phenomenon – and so, if you create enough stress or static within the energy field, the water molecule start to line up differently. And now you’re carrying stress in the water molecules. And we measure this all the time in my clinic with an energy camera from Russia and a GDV camera which is a Gas Distribution Velocity camera, it gets the image off of each fingertip, there’s a 10,000-volt current pulse that crosses the finger, a plasma discharge happens, that’s filmed for half a second and then the computer compiles that seemingly chaotic sunburst of plasma coming off your fingertip into a coherent image of the fingertip and its relationship to all of your organ systems through the reflexology map. And so, now you have organ system demonstration of where there’s chaos in the water field or not as ultimately reflecting the energy field. So, energetically, in water structure you start to get band or chaos in that environment. Now you imagine that amino acid chain coming off an RNA and it can now miss-fold and miss-folded proteins are now seen to accumulate in almost all of our chronic conditions – Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, type 1 diabetes in the pancreas. All of these different organs, the liver, anybody with lymphoma, leukemia will tend to have high propensity for amyloid or protein miss-folding happening. And so, all of this protein miss-folding, I think, is the third part of poor water function.

Gina: Those are such valuable answers because the typical answer you get about the why is, well, it’s to avoid diabetes, it’s to avoid Alzheimer’s, it’s to avoid fatigue. And so, I love how you’ve shown us how the whole system gets turned on in multiple levels because it is a multiple effect. And not only are we hydrating our cells, as you said, we’re also hydrating our microbiome or hydrating that whole inner ecology which is a system itself. I love this systems approach. I want to get right to it and ask give me your top three ways to hydrate so we can make this really practical so those physicians can hand on to their clients, their patients right away. Go do this. Even if you don’t understand what I’ve just helped you understand, just go do this.

Zach: So, number one I think is actually going to be getting to that energy field. So, I already told you the three main reasons. It’s energetic, genomic, and proteomics. So, your energy field, your genes, and your proteins all rely on this. So, energetically, what is your best clinical interventions? And this is going to be around the idea of mindfulness. So, prayer, meditation, silence in your day, taking time to find yourself. As soon as you find yourself, you quickly realize that the vast majority of stress that you’re creating in your life is self manufactured. It’s not being put on you by an abusive parent or your boss or anything else. You’re creating the majority of the stress and expectations or a sense of failure and inadequacies in your life, if you’re anything like myself, for the rest of humanity. And so, I would say number one, if you’re going to get hydrated, you better create some mindfulness space to decrease the amount of energetic stress in your system so that once water enters the system, it’s going to be carrying a coherent message of self. If you’re just hydrating a stressed out system, you’re going to have ineffective approach. And so, mindfulness, quiet, silence, prayer, meditation, spiritual song, all these things have been shown to turn on stem cells, do all kinds of things for telomerase, the enzyme that builds the telomeres on the end of our DNA. I think all of these things are ultimately showing that mindfulness mindset is number one. I never taught that as a doctor in my clinic until just the last 5 to 10 years and it’s totally changed my practice. And it was really lot of my hospice care, obviously, that got me towards that mindset but now I’m realizing that I don’t care if it’s an 18-year-old coming in with acne problems, I need to teach that kid how to be silent for a little bit of the day, teach some basic breathing mechanisms. There’s variety of resources on my website in regard to stress management stuff you can find. So, there’s lots of resources out there. And you may have very well as a practitioner already found some tools that you prefer. So, don’t take any prescription for me but just as a category, mindfulness and meditation would be step one to hydration.

Number two then, I would say, it needs to be the microbiome. Our lab has been specializing in this for the last 8 years or so now of understanding the role of microbiome in hydration. And what we’ve shown is that when you get enough variety to the microbiome, each species of bacteria, fungi, and even viruses can make these carbon molecules, these metabolites that will go on to create a communication network for your cellular functions. And among these is the genetic propensity or capacity to turn on protein synthesis of the extracellular matrix constituent that we can build tight junctions, gap junctions, all that extracellular matrix that would plug one cell to the other in order that water could flow from one space to the other. And that can happen in a macro environment where you have your gut that’s trying to absorb that glass of water you just drank. If you have a leaky gut damage to the tight junctions, and because you have a damaged microbiome, you’re now vulnerable to the incapacity or the inability to bring water inside your body from your gut [inaudible][22:46]. And so, that’s kind of the macro boundary breaking down and how you’re leaking. Some of the drugs we give, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories being a good example. Our lab has actually been the first to really demonstrate that Miralax which is a very common drug used for constipation unfortunately is now over the counter and sold in like half-gallon bottles, I think, at Costco, ridiculously sized bottles at Sam’s.

Gina: And it’s distributed in preschools, I heard recently.

Zach: Distributed in schools for sure, the nurses will give it. And so, it’s just a terrifying reality that this compound within the Miralax breaks tight junctions creating leaky gut which then, of course, makes water flow out of the patient into their colon which, again, fixes the constipation because you just hydrated the stool at the cost of dehydrating that body. And so, there’s a Miralax support group that I’ve worked with now in the country. There’s thousands of kids throughout the US that have had an autism type injury from Miralax. And so, important if you or somebody you love has been chronically on Miralax, it doesn’t take much more than a few days to have a neurologic injury from this stuff. There is a private Facebook page that I can’t run but people within that support foundation run. So, you can look for Miralax Facebook group. And so, be aware of drugs in your environment that could be undermining your ability to hydrate and any drugs or residues that are killing the microbiome. Certainly antibiotics kill that microbiome and the main antibiotic in our environment is the herbicide Roundup or glyphosate as an active ingredient in that herbicide. And so, glyphosate is now among the most ubiquitous chemicals on earth. Some 5.5 billion pounds a year are dumped into our water system. Less than one-tenth of a percent of those ever ends up on a weed. So, they’re not really weed killers anymore. They’re really used as crop additives and they end up killing fish in our water systems. We have a dead zone at the end of the Mississippi River now that is larger than the state of Rhode Island. We’ve killed all life within that sector of the ocean from the high concentrations of these herbicides, pesticides, farm run-off. So, I’ve started a nonprofit that’s actually launching to the public tomorrow.

Gina: Wow! How can we help you with that? We’re your allies.

Zach: Check out FarmersFootprint.US. It’s our first public campaign. It’s a documentary series on this topic of herbicides, pesticides, and farming. All of the money coming through this goes direct directly to education, research and development, and grant support to the farmers that are currently forced into it and they literally are forced into chemical farming through the financial pathways. We’re giving them a financial pathway out of that relationship with chemical farming. And I think it’s the only path we have to surviving as a species is change our food system. FarmersFootprint.US is that website and we would be really blessed to have your support in that project because I think it really is getting at the root cause of the chronic disease epidemic that we happening in our children. Haven’t heard recently, 46% of children in the United States now have a chronic disease.

Gina: Yeah, insane number. And at the Hydration Foundation, our work is better hydration for people, plants, and soils. So, we understand that long link between those three areas. And I would love for you to speak a little bit more about soil health, both inner soil health and our microbiome and outer soil health in the agricultural industry growth. I’d love to hear you make those connections for us so people can hear it.

Zach: Wonderful. So, on the herbicide-pesticide standpoint, glyphosate was peddled as an antibiotic, not as a weed killer. And so, even though we’re using it as a weed killer, it actually functions to kill bacteria. So, we’re putting that into our soils. And then it ends up in our water system. It’s a water soluble molecule. It’s very high concentrations and, for example, is certainly present in the food systems as well but extremely toxic in animal feeds both for the pets as well as our livestock. And that’s creating a leaky gut and chronic disease epidemic like we’ve never seen. Cost of pet care has gone up 4000% since 2012, most of that from cancer and kidney disease, both of which are directly pointing to the herbicides and pesticides in the food. And so, it’s not just humans that are suffering. We are really dialing in the sixth extinction. We’ve now wiped out 50% of biodiversity on planet earth in the last 50 years. So we’re almost halfway down to this extinction on Earth. A lot of people are thinking that we may only have 70 years left as a human species with the current collapse of our biology in the context of the loss of biology worldwide. And so, as dire as this is, we are in the death throes of our species but as hospice doctor I can tell you that’s where the most amazing spiritual growth and transformation happens is in the death phase. And so, death is always a rebirth. Death is always a transformation. It’s my hope that we might be able to just transform spiritually, energetically, and at a conscious level to be able to continue to play on this earth longer than 70 years by transforming through the dying of our species but not through the elimination of our species. And so, we’re fully dying as a species now. If we take the opportunity to wake up, expand, rise in consciousness, we can use the heartache and loss of life and suffering that’s happening around us. Just look at our autistic community, It has a great example of a travesty in children or so overwhelmed by the data that’s coming into their minds unfiltered that they just can’t cope. They’re in chaos. They’re hitting their heads against walls and cribs all day long just to try to create enough pain to reduce the sensory overwhelm of other sources. Just the suffering of those children should require our rise in consciousness but then you add in 50% of our adult population now with cancer and all these other statistics that are coming out, there’s so much suffering that we need to take advantage of that because suffering is what creates opportunity for transformation and change. My fear is we’re going to all sit around eating potato chips and watching football and stay calm while the suffering is happening around us and we won’t rise in consciousness in this opportunity and we’ll go extinct.

Gina: At the Hydration Foundation one of our most important mission statements is “Helping people with their personal hydration is the first step in worldwide water solutions.” Again, as you’ve pointed out, water is the medium that conducts the message. And the message that we can create through our own personal hydration is that we’re ready to take on our own personal hydration so that we can begin to contribute by our personal hydration, first step, towards health, wholeness, healing of water all over the globe and the plants all over the globe. Of course plants are 98% water. So, it’s a huge, huge issue.

I think what I would really love to ask you now is our modern lifestyles have created these issues, being optimally or hydrated for real is such a profound step into solution, both personal and planetary. And that’s a really remarkable thing. It’s why we focus our work on cleaning up water. And I’d love for you to say a little bit more about how we can accomplish that by becoming hydrated.

Zach: Yeah. So, once hydrated, the water is ultimately your best solvent. And so, water functions better than anything else on the planet. It’ll eliminate heavy metals, toxins, you name it from the body than anything else. And so, once you make the effort to be mindful, start to take care of your microbiome. How you do that? You get out and plug into the ecosystem at large, you spend more time out in nature, eat food that’s still plugged into nature, and get wild fermented foods, everything from a wild fermented sourdough instead of your typical wheat bread, wild fermented sauerkraut, kimchi, and all of the wonderful miso out there, get those back to involve in your food processing systems. And then obviously eliminate the antibiotics, eat organic strictly as much as you possibly can. There’s a great website from the Environmental Working Group called The Dirty Dozen And the Clean 15. You can Google that – “Dirty Dozen And the Clean 15” – and you’ll see the 12 fruits and vegetables that must be bought organic. Those are the Dirty Dozen. They are so toxic that there’s no way you’re going to find in a grocery store strawberry, for example, that’s conventionally grown that should be consumed by humans or animals. There’s clean 15 on that list as well, which are the 15 conventionally grown fruits and vegetables that hardly have any residues of herbicides or pesticides because they’re just not required in their production. And, fortunately, things like the avocado are on that list and stuff like that. So, if you’re pinched for money, the clean 15 list can really help you decide “Okay, well, I’ll go ahead and eat the avocados conventionally grown and I’m going to spend the money on the organic strawberries.” And vice versa like if you can’t find organic strawberries, you’re going to walk home without any strawberries. It is not worth the risk of eating a strawberry that’s conventionally grown. All of your restaurant strawberries are toxic. They are not organically grown, vast majority. So, just keep that in mind. That dessert comes and it’s got a couple of chopped up strawberries as a decoration on the side, leave them decorations. That’s my strong recommendation. There are just some fruits and vegetables that should not be presented on a human plate and strawberries are always number one. Apples, unfortunately, are also common carrier of high levels of herbicides and pesticides. Cucumbers, very high. Potatoes, make sure you’re eating organic potatoes, sweet potatoes, and the like. So, eat organic as much as possible.

Eat your hydration. This is a very critical point is that mostly the water that’s going to become biologically available to your body is not coming in a glass of water but it’s actually coming in your cucumber.

Gina: Thank you for saying that.

You can look for some powerful ways to get water inside of yourselves. And so, once a plant has done the work of organifying those water molecules, taking them out of a mineral environment like the soil and putting them into a cellular environment like a bacterium and then passing that into the root system of the cucumber itself and then that passing into your bacteria, you now have three biologic systems that have organified that water. And so, you’ve got much more hydrating compounds, certainly that whole fourth phase of water that that Dr. Pollock has popularized, but many others before him have spoken that phase of water and that’s this reality that biology changes water and water changes biology. And so, that’s an exciting reality that you can hydrate through the food itself. Celery is another huge source for that in my life. So, the cucumber, the celery. I’m actually a huge fan of the root vegetables in delivering some of that deep hydration as well.

I was just in the Galapagos Islands and it’s a fascinating liquid ecosystems without freshwater available. There’s no freshwater source on any of the Galapagos Islands. And so, here’s salt water, a volcanic chunk in the middle of 600 miles off the coast of South America, and there is no source of freshwater there except for the cactus. And so, the cactus there collect the fresh rainwater and stuff as it comes through and all of the species that have naturalized to the Galapagos have some relationship to the food chain of the cactus. And so, the marine iguanas, the land iguanas, the giant tortoises, they all live off of the cacti as their primary source of water. So, it was interesting to watch those animals and their interaction with the cacti. They’re very territorial to their cacti. The marine iguanas will protect a single cactus with their life. They’ll fight to the death if necessary to protect their cactus because they know that that is there water source. It’s really interesting to look at how we should think about our most precious resource.

Gina: Yeah, as an anthropologist, I looked at how desert community, how desert dwellers were hydrating having no sources of open water. And I also was led right to the cactus to aloe, to chia seeds and that’s how my work started in hydration is really from the anthropology of desert communities and going “Wait a minute. It’s not eight glasses of water a day” but I know too that the electrical charge in that phase of water when a water does go through that biology change and becomes a plant or it touches minerals in some way, it changes its electrical charge or function. I’d love to hear you talk about that.

Zach: Very good. Yeah. So, the electrical charge, you’ve got a reality where we call it H2O but at no point is water actually H2O. They naturally cannot align simultaneously to two hydrogen. And so, it’s always letting go of one hydrogen while it bonds the other and it switches back and forth between those two hydrogens and at a very rapid rate. Probably every millionth of a second it’s switching hydrogens. And so, it’s a very fast quantum physics phenomenon that oxygen would be bound functionally to two hydrogens. That equation of two electrons, two hydrogens is the equation needed for the electron transport chain and at the end of it in the mitochondria to produce a single ATP molecule. Adenosine triphosphate is the only fuel your cells ultimately run on. And so, ATP is produced through the FIFO enzyme complex in the respiratory chain in the wall of mitochondria at the end of what we call the respiratory chain. And at that last step it needs two molecules of water, two electrons to pass through that FIFO channel to allow adenosine triphosphate to be converted to ATP or adenosine triphosphate. So, that interface of biologically charged water, you’ve got an extra electron delivered in them in the mix, so it’s a lot easier for hydrogen release to happen, is a very interesting phenomenon. So, you end up with something more like OH minus and the hydrogen is less avidly bound. That is one of the electrical changes that I think can happen in water as electrons become ubiquitous or more available to the body of that oxygen.

You obviously get a different mix of mitochondrial metabolites depending on the production of ATP or the decoupling our re-coupling of the FIFO complex and those include things like hydrogen peroxide – O2H – which is kind of the opposite of water there. You’ve got two oxygens binding with single hydrogen. And so, these molecules are highly reactive. We call them redox molecule and they’re the downstream effects of changes in relationship of water molecules as the mitochondria does its digestive process for metabolic production. And so, the hydrogen peroxide, obviously, is a very important delivery of oxidative clean-up or T-cells in your immune system that would dump hydrogen peroxide or the equivalent of ozone into your cellular environment where damage has been done to help clean up an environment of bacterial infection or infiltration of a virus or whatever it is or, on the other side, where you just need to ramp up your antioxidant cascade glutathione, again, the hydrogen peroxide plays a huge role in that stimulation, ozone plays an important role in stimulation. And so, all of those are just really combinations of water, ultimately. And so, fascinating to realize that our entire response system, the injury, and fuel production energy, and injury repair is all going to link back to the interface of H2O molecules with the mitochondria.

Gina: Can you say a little bit about negative charge and positive charge and how they work? Is that something you see in your own work?

Zach: Yeah. So, we’ve developed a line of dietary supplements from soil. The product line is called Restore. It’s recognized to be able to change genomic and proteomic function within the immune system. And so, as soon as you take the supplement, you put on the bowel wall or small bowel or colon or kidney tubular cells or blood-brain barrier cells, we’ve proved in the out all of those different tissues in seven different species. And so, we keep showing that you take this sterile communication network, formation of bacterial and fungal species and their diversity, put them into a human system and you get an immediate impact on the genomics and proteomics to rebuild tight junctions, gap junctions, and what we call the transepithelial resistance which is the tear or electrical charge across a macro membrane like your gut lining or the endothelium or your blood-brain barrier and that tears is ultimately what pulls water inside the molecule, inside the structure. And so, Restore is a very important kind of first step to hydration. You need an intact gut system. You need an intact blood-brain barrier. You need an intact endothelial system both at the vascular and renal or kidney levels to get hydration to work. And so, all that’s coming out of your urination, 60-million-year-old bacteria and fungi and their communication that 60 million years ago now left for us in the fossil record. And so, that’s our area of expertise but it turns out that when you extract those molecules from soil, they’re all in a positive charge state. And so, in your answer to tell us about positive negative charge, positive charge is what we call oxidative. It’s going to tear electrons off of the surface of everything it touches. And so, disease, chronic inflammation, many of the drugs in our environment, all pharmaceutical drugs are positively charged, by the way.

Gina: Oh my gosh! That is amazing to hear.

Zach: Oxidative compounds. And so, you’re going to tear electrons off of the surface of anything they touch. Whether it’s a statin drug or blood pressure medicine or diabetes meds, they’re all going to ultimately add positive charge burden to the body. Interestingly, health is all negatively charged. A healthy system has always got a high abundance of negative charge. And so, the pharmaceutical industry has literally opposed itself electrically to the concept of health. And I find that interesting because energetically you can see that at the macro level where the amount of political weirdness, the amount of political backstabbing, the black box, kind of behind the scenes …

Gina: Bad energy.

Zach: Bad energy, behavior of the individuals that lead those companies and their ways in which they lobby Congress for nasty stuff like all kinds of darkness happening there is very interesting that could it be as simple as they have simply aligned themselves against health at the most fundamental level of electrical charge.

So, what we do for Restore is we take all these oxidative minerals and carbon substrates from the bacteria and fungi, we put them through a mineral catalyst system to get the negative charge back in there to get a balanced redox state. Redox is the contraction of the word ‘Reduction’ which means the donation of an electron or an extra electron and ‘oxidation’ again being the lack of electron. So, in a redox molecule, whether it’s coming out of the mitochondria or bacteria, you’ve got balanced positive and negative charge. And, interestingly, you need the positive charge there. All negative charge doesn’t work in a biologic system. You need exchange. You need movement. And to get an electron to move you need a positive charge. And so, if all health is negative charge, you would think that any source of positive charge will be bad for you but we know because vitamin C works, vitamin C is just hydrogen peroxide which is ultimately delivering a very potent oxidative stress, well, in delivering vitamin C or an oxidative stress where you can get the glutathione antioxidant response and so you’re naturally positive but that’s not the case for all biology. If you’ve been exposed to Lyme disease or lots of molds in the environment, they make toxins that block your ability to make glutathione, they block glutathione synthase. And so, without glutathione you get a net oxidative stressor from something like vitamin C or alpha lipoic acid or any of these antioxidants that we think of. They’re not antioxidants. They’re pure oxidants hoping to trigger an antioxidant response for your body. If your body can’t mount that antioxidant response, then the vitamin C or the alpha lipoic and all these other compounds are going to be toxic. Ozone – pure oxidant – very bad for human health unless you have intact glutathione response. And so, you want to make sure you’ve got that glutathione liberation happening before you go about a therapy or a treatment that’s got that oxidative potential.

Gina: And could you speak just a little bit about how hydration carries information maybe through this electrical charge or however into cells or into our system? I don’t want to use the word ‘cells’ anymore after your introduction about how it all disappears the closer we get to the reality of the atom but how do we get that information to be traveling in our system?

Zach: Yeah. And, I wish I could say I knew the answer to that because it would be the coolest answer in the planet. The reality is we don’t understand how water holds memory but it does seem to be the only molecule that’s got a memory to it. If you do something to it, if you add a blessing, holy water has been studied extensively actually, and so if you have a priests bless the water, you can take one drop of holy water into 70 gallons of water and you can still show electrical shift in the 70 gallons of water. And so, there’s something that’s been embedded in there through the intention of prayer or the priest’s blessing, whatever’s coming out of that, to create this “holy water.” There’s something happening there. And I think we all have a priesthood within us. And so, I don’t think you need to find your Catholic priest to create holy water. I think each of us in our prayer and meditation before a meal can reshape the water within our glass or within the food itself through our blessing. And so, it’s interesting that every religion on the planet has told us to bless our food before we consume it. I think that may not actually be some demand for obedience to some omnipotent god. It may actually be a very specific interaction with water molecules in the way in which they can benefit our biology if blessed. And so, a good example of the memory there, something like essential oils or you take hydrosalts or the water extracts or the water above flower petals or the Bach flower essence as an alcohol, any of these structures have been shown to be able to change electromagnetic field properties very quickly of the water and their systems. With our camera in clinic we’re able to show that a Bach flower essence in 30 seconds can change your entire energy field. And so, we have a huge capacity to create information streams by our interaction with nature around us and it will change our water structure and our knowledge itself.

One of the most profound macro examples of this is human memory. And so, it turns out that in all of our extraordinary last two decades of neurobiology, we’ve learned more about the brain in the last 20 years than in the entire collective history of mankind. So, it’s been extraordinary acceleration of understanding of the brain but in all of that investigation, we’ve never found the hard drive of our memory in the brain. We don’t have an area within our brain that holds long-term memory. We have this little tiny, tiny part that’s about the size of the thumbnail that sits in your temporal lobe behind your ear there that’s called the hippocampus and the hippocampus is responsible for taking short-term experience and turning that into a long-term memory or accessing long-term memory but there is no databank found within the brain that holds that memory. We’re starting to realize that it’s probably held within the water structure of peripheral muscle and other tissues such as the fascia planes is where we actually hold the memories of our lifetime and perhaps lifetimes before us. And so, that’s a pretty bizarre thing to state but if you think about your own experience, I’ll bet you’ve experienced that in the midst of a massage, for no apparent reason you suddenly have a huge emotional release or you suddenly remember a face or a story or something from your life as they’re working on your low back or at the right ribs or wherever they’re at and you suddenly have that trigger of memory. In the transplant world we’ve seen some really wacky experiences of this. There’s a great example coming out of one of the heart transplant cases. I think this was about 30 years ago now as I’m doing my math right but 30 years ago or so a gentleman received the heart of a young female organ donor and within hours of waking up in the post-op he started having vivid memories of a traumatic murder and within a couple weeks he had enough data that he ended up bringing it to the police to say “This is what I’m experiencing” and he had faces and he had names and he had an enormous amount of data that ended up solving her murder apparently. So, just bizarre amount of information is being trafficked in the water structure within that heart muscle that was transplanted into this individual. A lot of more benign or seemingly funny versions of that, it’s not uncommon for people to suddenly wake up with a kidney transplant and they suddenly have this overwhelming craving for McDonald’s nuggets or something like this or beer and they’ve never craved those things in their life. And what’s happened is they’ve received the energetic stress within that kidney or the memory within that kidney that’s been triggering this drug response to that donor, to their little addiction with McDonald’s or the other compounds or alcohols within their environment. So, fascinating to look that water is our collective memory on some levels and it’s carried within the tissues of our body. And for this reason, I’d say – I don’t know that I got to number three yet as far as my recommendations for hydration – but my number three thing is definitely going to come down to movement.

Gina: Yay! I’m so happy to hear you talk about that. Please tell us about fascia. At the Hydration Foundation we say clean water, get yourself water then has been filtered cleaned in some form. There’s lots of different ways to do this that we can talk about later. Secondly, eat your water. Really important that that biology has happened. And thirdly, those are our three strategies – movement and the role of fascia. I’ll just quickly say an aside. I was at the International Conference of Water with Physics, Biology And Chemistry of Water in Bulgaria in October and 120 scientists of water in the room talking to each other. All they could talk about was how water is a form of computing, how water is a computer, how can we get the computing world to use water as the best possible computer. They really understood water’s processing power and I hope we can talk about that and bring out that more in our own work together, yours and ours too at the Hydration Foundation that, of course, water is the ultimate computer in our system. And it isn’t just taking place in our brain. Brain is not just here. It’s our whole body. And I’d love to hear you talk about fascia and the new findings on fascia and movement, that connective tissue, that these are hydraulic press that moves us through the systems and also carries all our information. Can’t wait.

Zach: Beautiful. Yeah, well said. I think, the factual planes are, I’d say, an emerging science still. I think that, well, there’s decades of experience in myofascial release and the like, certainly acupuncture probably dating back the longest with 4000 years of recognition of the interplay between the flow of electricity through those fascial systems and on the surface of our skin. That 4000 years of experience is clearly showing that if you have coherent energy flow through those systems, than you improve health across in system. Genomics, proteomics, you name the space, you’re going to have an improvement in function there. In my clinic we have professor of Chinese medicine from China. She’s phenomenally gifted in everything from Chinese herbals to acupuncture and uses a ton of moxibustion, the moxibustion again being a really potent way for this interface between heat and the fascial planes and their changing water, capacity to hold on to water. And so, I think that that’s really essential is the movement of electricity. And so, you can use probably a variety of techniques. We teach Qui Gong and also on the non-Asian side we teach Egoscue Therapy, a technique for movement and postural …

Gina: What kind of therapy? Postural therapy?

Zach: Yeah, it’s postural training through something called Egoscue.

Gina: Oh yeah, of course, Egoscue. Beautiful. This work is great, we featured on our website.

Zach: Oh, there you go. So, Egoscue, the Qui Gong, the Tai Chi. I’m a huge fan of Yoga. I’m an emerging passionate Yogi. I’ve got to say I’ve been the most resistant Yogi on the planet, I think.

Gina: We loved your 4-minute workout also that you feature.

Zach: There are all these methodologies. I think there’s a huge opportunity to improve. Personally, one of the only things I pay for for my own health on a routine basis is myofascial release therapy. I think it’s extremely important. It’s been one of the most transformational therapies I’ve ever had and I’ve been under the hands of quite a few people around the country with that technique but it really is one of the most extraordinary journeys into the interface of emotional trauma and where we store emotion, where we store emotional memory, and where we have dysfunction within our body. That would be an important one to reach for there.

Gina: Well, we’ve talked a little bit about Restore. Is there a little more you’d like to say about your work with Restore? I mean, you’re doing Restore work all over the place in your product but also in how you are presenting hydration, why you’re involved in farming, of all things. The Doctor Farmer, I love it. I think why you’re helping us look at food in a new way as a hydrating mechanism, all of these things are not only restorative and regenerative, we do need to move on and go farther. We don’t want to just go back to the baseline. We want to move forward. And I think if you want to say a little bit more about Restore, we’d love to hear it. And also, I really want to give you a space, large space to talk about hydration and spirituality in whatever way you’d like to. You’ve mentioned prayer. I know, as an anthropologist, that every culture has a water blessing. And, just simply to raise a glass of water and give it reverence before you drink is already starting that whole amazing invisible world that’s going on.

Zach: Fantastic. I think I only have a few minutes before I have to be on another appearance here. So, in regards to the Restore piece, a ton of my data are out there. If you go to Zach Bush, MD, that’s my educational website, you can find everything from the discussion on spirituality to pregnancy to end of life stuff and everything else represented there. If you scroll down on that page, there’s a whole sector of videos. It’s termed the ‘Knowledge Page’. There’s a link at the top too. So, you can go to all those videos. And I’ll give you 5 to 10 minutes on all of the thoughts on all 12 of those categories of human health, ordering from the spirituality into kind of birth itself, and where we stem from. That’s a quick place to get another hour and a half worth of content from me. If you’re still not satiated into that, there’s list of what I think are some of our best podcast that bridge this gap between spirituality and the microbiome and human experience. Rich Roll is one of those podcasts. He and I’ve done two major ones for total three hours of content for you – Rich Roll’s Zach Bush podcast. You can just Google that or you can go to my website and find that podcast system. I’ve got my own podcast coming out in the next couple of months here. That will be available to you on a whole range of topics but we started that podcast with first couple episodes focusing on the issue of death and understanding life through the lens of death and finding out if we eliminate the fear around this concept of death and realize it to be a rebirth process, then it changes our relationship to disease, stress, dysfunction, fear, and all of these things. And I think it really gives us space to breathe and enjoy the life that we have in the day. And so, lots of resources for you out there. YouTube, there’s hundreds of hours of content, if you want to look at Restore, specifically. Autism one, if you want to look at that compound in relationship to the autism community. We’ve done a lot of work there. Thinking Mom’s Revolution, Moms Across America, these are orgs that we’ve worked with for years now around bringing better dietary supplement resources to mothers of children with chronic issues. So, all those are resources to you as well. So, happy digging. I wish you luck on all of that and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to share our expertise.

Gina: We the Hydration Foundation wants to thank you for helping us fulfill our mission to spread better hydration, how urgent and important it is, and get that information to incredible hands that can also help us spread this.

Zach, thank you. It was a beautiful interview. We appreciate you so much. Just go do your work. We bless you. We bless the water around you and the water in you and grace upon you.

Thanks again.

Zach: Thank you so much. Thanks for your support FarmersFootprint.US is that nonprofit. So, we love your support there. Thank you so much.

Gina: Welcome.

$99 = 3 ACRES

With your donation you will receive lifetime access to the Hydration Solution Summit and a farmer will receive equipment to reclaim 3 acres of farmland. Donations are tax deductible.

Did you know the Hydration Solution Summit contributes a portion of your donation to farmers so they can reclaim their land and our food supply from industrial farming?

Water is calling us to help hydrate ourselves and our planet. Chemical farming and dehydration go hand in hand and the cycles can be broken. Farmland can be restored when charged water is applied. Charged water restores land by accelerating the dissolving of chemicals and supports natural ecosystems through hydrated soil, microbiomes, plants and crops.

For every $99 donation to the Hydration Foundation water activation equipment “which charges the water” is given to a farmer to restore 3 acres of land. Please join us in this important cause to rehydrate people and the planet.

Dr. Gerald Pollack, is the very scientist who identified a 4th phase of water beyond vapor, liquid and ice: EZ or structured water. This breakthrough opens new frontiers of science for the foreseeable future. He is Professor and Director of the Pollack Lab at the University of Washington, Seattle, Emoto Peace Prize winner, and listed among 100 influentials for the 2020s.

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Gina Bria: I’d just like to lead us again through this state that I want to repeat what we have nailed here, which is you have identified a kind of water, a different kind of water, the water that’s always been there, it’s in nature, we just didn’t really understand it was there, that this kind of water does different kinds of work in the body and that when we don’t have that kind of water in the body, work fails to happen inside of our health, inside of our bodies. That’s partly why we’re so fatigued, why we’re so chronically ill now. Secondly, this kind of water is a water that conducts electricity, it has a negative charge and it keeps our energy very high and then it decontaminates us. And this decontamination takes place because of the way the charge in the body and the exclusion of the solutes goes through the system. I even think that probably it’s passed into the lymph system and disintegrated through there and that this is a biological process that’s also taking place in our soils and in our plants. Our soils deeply need charged water, structured water, liquid crystalline water, ordered water, easy water, the kind of water we’re talking about, which has so many names from so many different scientists because that water is not what we’re using for irrigation. 70% of that water that we’re using comes from pressurized pipes and chemically washed water. It’s all being sent into the ground but not allowing the ground to really revive through the electrical function that water passes through. So, this is very big important news in an ecological crisis, in a health crisis that we’re standing in. And we’re just amazed and excited that you have been able to just open this door and now we have hundred and 80 scientists at the international conference for Physics, Chemistry and Biology who are all there already bringing their own work to this story. So, the idea that structured water is a scam, which is still on Wikipedia, [inaudible][02:52] out for those people and here we are in a room full of authentic humble scientists from Japan, Russia, Italy, Germany, Holland, Russia, they’re so far ahead of us in water research, they’re holding hands, wanting to share that this water is such a solution for us.

Dr. Pollack: Yeah, it’s a really positive movement. And I couldn’t put it better than you put it, just that comment about Wikipedia. I spend a lot of time getting to know and dealing with the work of scientists who have a tendency to challenge the status quo when the status quo doesn’t seem to be working. And I’ve yet to see a single scientist who does that. If you look on Wikipedia, there’s always a paragraph that say “Well, most people believe this is nonsense” or something like that and it’s really too bad. It’s demeaning. It seems that they have an agenda. I can’t understand exactly why on Wikipedia to make sure that the world knows that scientists who challenge the status quo, there’s something wrong with those people, right?

Gina Bria: People are just simply asking open-ended questions just like “Wow! Why does it work that way?”

Dr. Pollack: I mean, it’s what science is all about. You have a phenomenon and you investigate it. And if you’re putting forth a mechanism of sort, it’s necessary to test it, look into it and see if it makes sense but they’re so dismissive over there of anything that runs against the mainstream kinds of views. I can’t understand why.

Gina Bria: We don’t need to worry anymore because we’re on to other things. And I do think that in this year, especially since 2017 where we had four different major universities acknowledging that different states of water exist, and even though you’re at the forefront of identifying that and helping people really follow, we’ve had other independent work come in and uplift and note, yes, water switches between states very quickly and, in fact, that’s how cell-to-cell communication is probably happening. It’s these switches. That’s how a system like ours can run on water. What that water is, is a really an incredibly sophisticated form of technology that’s computer like, can store more information than we will ever think of on the planet.

Dr. Pollack: That’s a beautiful way of describing it.

Gina Bria: It’s so important that we kind of bring it down to people. I think, Gerry, your work and our ability … First of all, I have to say that at Hydration Foundation, you have been on a faithful, faithful friend to us and incredible. You were the first speaker we had out of that 2014 launch of the Hydration Foundation. We went on together to do the TED Talks, TED TEDx Bodies of Water with Stephanie Seneff and keep bringing structured water forward and the opportunity now to speak about it. We just stand so much more solidly in evidence that keeps gathering. In 2017, Cornell University published a really remarkable paper saying that DNA has a ‘Spine of hydration’ they called it. Do you remember when that paper came out?

Dr. Pollack: I remember something vaguely about it. For me, this is nothing new because every macromolecule in the body has a spine or covered with easy water. So, it’s not a surprise.

Gina Bria: Not to you but, finally, that got published as like the biggest news because the very shape of the DNA is dependent on the water shaping it, the molecules. So, water and shaping actually shapes us.

Dr. Pollack: Yeah. And you know very well but maybe other people don’t, the work of [inaudible][07:20] and he’s recently demonstrated that, well, the information from DNA can be transmitted without any chemical communication to water. You just take two tubes, put them near each other, and they’re absolutely sealed so there’s no chemical communication and the information, he demonstrated, from the DNA is sent through some kind of electromagnetic signal into water. And they can demonstrate that but also recently he’s demonstrated that you can dilute the original DNA and the water, dilute it and dilute it and dilute it homeopathically so that statistically there’s no DNA left. There’s only water that’s been informed by the DNA and still it works. So, it seems to be that it’s the water that’s actually transmitting this kind of information. That’s something that you just only touched on briefly but this is the future. Now the idea that water has the capability of storing information, and I know some of your people know about Dr. Emoto’s work, and this is being done now on a more scientific basis. The people in that community are beginning to turn toward more scientific kinds of studies and it’s really interesting to see what will happen but there’s so much information now that’s presented at our annual conference, the one that you just mentioned, that has to do with information storage in water and information release from water. I really do you think that this is the future because this is not part of a materialistic kind of science. It doesn’t fit and, therefore, it’s rejected as nonsense. And if you read Wikipedia, it will reinforce that view but more and more people are now studying and finding evidence for this. So, if any of your people who are watching want to come to our water conference, is the URL. We haven’t set the time and venue for next year’s conference but it would probably be in the fall somewhere in Europe, either Germany or Italy. We’ll set the date and place. So much information comes through and, as you mentioned early on during this discussion about holding hands and such, it feels like an extended family of people who are doing work in this field. It’s beautiful to see.

Gina Bria: It is amazing when you get 180 scientists in a circle in a big room holding hands and asking for water’s blessing and giving themselves to this work. That is our future. It really is. And, Gerry, I don’t understand why it’s so hard for people to comprehend that water conducts electricity. I mean, isn’t that something that they know?

Dr. Pollack: Actually, the conducting of electricity, that part is accepted. It’s the storage of charge that’s not accepted. If you ask any academic physical chemist whether you can have a glass of some substance sitting there that’s not neutral, they’d say “It’s impossible. It’s got to be neutral. Everything is neutral” but it’s not so because we have experiments and other people knew also that show that that substances can contain charge like water, for example. And when people are brought up on certain scientific premise, it becomes part of you and it’s hard to give up that premise because it gives you a feeling of control over the world if you know how it operates but sometimes this kind of “knowledge” is not knowledge at all but it’s wrong. And we have a tendency as scientists to stick to what feels comfortable. It’s human nature. It’s not only scientists who do that. We have habits. We can’t break the habit. And sticking to a theme that you’ve learned in the textbook some years ago is one of those habits. And that’s why we have our institute for venture science, which I like to mention.

Gina Bria: I’d love to hear you mention that. We’d love to get people to see the summit. A lot of people are going to see it and we want them to know about the work you’re doing and how we can advance it and support it.

Dr. Pollack: Well, thank You. So, this is an institute that nurtures and nourishes through private funding scientific ideas that challenge mainstream views that are obsolete, that aren’t working and such. Most scientists tend to stick to those ideas because it helps guarantee that their lab will be funded. People who challenge the establishment is just like revolutionaries who challenge the establishment. They suffer the consequences. It’s no different in science. And so, there needs to be some kind of vehicle for these people to gain traction and that’s what the Institute for Venture Science – IVS – is doing. People who have done well in their lives and are looking for a way to give back in a meaningful way, there are a lot of people who’ve done well and they’ve got money and they would like to do something, they’re not sure where to put the money, what’s a good place. This is a good place. There have been so few genuine revolutions in science. There have been lots of technological revolutions but if you think of revolutions in fundamental science like the splitting of the atom or the structure of DNA with the water that’s right next to the DNA, whatever, the structure of DNA, that happened in, I think, 1953, and splitting of the atom was 10 years prior or even little earlier than that, when you try to think of scientific revolutions that are, I mean, genuine scientific revolutions of that magnitude, it’s really hard to identify anything. And, as I said, revolutions in technology, your iPhone is one of them, our communicating via video conferencing is, of course, another one.

Gina Bria: Thank god for that.

Dr. Pollack: Yeah, we can do it and it’s wonderful, yeah, but these are technological.

Gina Bria: These are technological, nothing bigger than our universe.

Dr. Pollack: Yeah. And we need that because anytime there’s a new scientific finding, unexpected finding, it leads to new technologies that are built on these new findings. And the technologies can help to solve the many problems that the world is facing these days that we need to solve. And so, supporting fundamental science is really important. And we’re trying to do it and we think we have a mechanism that can actually bring scientific revolutions. The URL, if anybody is interested, is It’s easy. And we have a nice website designed by my son, same one administrated my books. So, please, anybody who has interest, we would really appreciate your attention to this matter.

Gina Bria: Yeah. And I would say, Gerry, because of your work in water that you have networks of people who are trying to look in revolutionary ways at our world that collect bigger miracles that are around us that we haven’t even touched on yet. And it isn’t just people with ideas. It’s how we support scientists or new thinking and where and who do you know and how do you get some funds or funnel some funds to them or some help to them or get them to the right publishers. All of this, it takes a great deal. And I know your work and your life has been dedicated to … You’ve stepped over a lot of hurdles to get where you’re at. You’re at a senior level now. You scientists all over the world, literally in every corner. Didn’t you just come back from Japan, right?

Dr. Pollack: Yeah, I’m off to Abu Dhabi and then to Korea.

Gina Bria: Oh my gosh!

Dr. Pollack: Yeah, well …

Gina Bria: Are you hydrated when you fly? That’s important for me to ask.

Dr. Pollack: Every time I fly, I think of Gina Bria. I try to keep myself hydrated. Thank you so much for your input. I look forward to these trips because so many people, when they hear about easy water, they get excited about and they pass it on to other people. And it’s gratifying that interest in water and its structure and such has really blossomed. It’s really important. It’s so central to all of life and for a long time we haven’t understood it. We still don’t understand all of it but we understand a lot more. And so, this is a seriously gratifying experience.

Gina Bria: And this is a seriously gratifying interview to have with you. We’re so grateful for your work and you’ve been a beautiful friend to us. And we do want to bring hydration information in practical ways to anybody who needs it – our elders, our children, our school children, people who travel, people in sports. I just heard a statistic recently that after-school sports concussions are extremely high and these kids are so dehydrated after school, by the end of the day, and then they’re washing themselves with water that has no charge. Tissue concussions and tissue injuries are very high because we just didn’t know that you need water, you need a specialized kind of water that does the work that you’ve identified. So, we got to get this out here, right? We got to share this as much as possible.

Dr. Pollack: Yeah. And you guys are doing a wonderful job doing it. So, thank you very much.

Gina Bria: Bless you so much. Have a great trip. And thank you, Gerry.

Dr. Pollack: Take care.

Gina Bria: Okay, take care. Bye, bye.


Hydration science is in its infancy. As new discoveries and tips are found they will be emailed to all who donate to the Summit.

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The Hydration Foundation launched The Hydration Solution Summit to present new discoveries from over 30 top doctors and scientists on the new science of hydration. This free online event brings together experts to advance our thinking on hydration and water, hydration in health and recovery in medicine, science, sports, and healthy aging, as well as agriculture and travel.

REAL Hydration is all about restoring you and the planet together.

Hydrating you is the first step towards:

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  • climate recovery,
  • reclaiming contaminated soils,
  • restoring aquifers,
  • reducing plastics,
  • and giving reverence to water.

The Hydration Solution Summit provides valuable education about water plus crucial ongoing support for you, your loved ones, and farmers, to restore us all.

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Dr. Rollin McCraty PhD is the scientist who records a million heart beats! Vice-President and Director of Research at the HeartMath Institute, he leads the Global Coherence Initiative using cell phones to join us up for coordinated electromagnetic events to, in his words, add heart in the world.

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Gina Bria: So just personally, my training as an anthropologist and as a person who’s followed ritual and traditions for a very long time, that’s what the bulk of my research is in, your HeartMath work, I’ve been following it since very early on. I’ve always wanted to have a chance of conversation with you and I never thought it would be around water. So I tipped into water and water research through looking at desert communities and how they were hydrating and why they didn’t need glasses of water day. What were their secret strategies for doing that?

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Speaking of water, I’m going to get some here.

Gina Bria: All right, I love that.

So I ended up contacting Gerald Pollock at one point to ask him what that water was inside of the materials that desert communities were using, the gel water. At that time I didn’t know. I thought it would be a polysaccharide or something. I didn’t realize that it was actually a form of water. And that’s how I got involved in fourth phase water research, liquid crystalline research. So I thought it might be useful to you to have a little bit of that like “Where is she coming from and what is she saying and what is this stuff?” And that endeavor I very quickly realized that water hydration strategies are going to be central to water solutions around the world. And that’s how the Hydration Foundation was founded and Dr. Pollack was an initiator in that project. So he’s been my closest colleague at the Hydration Foundation. He’s helped me meet the influential people and get things on record. And we decided as one of our initiatives to do a TED conference and we invited him to give a new TED Talk on structured water along with Stephanie Seneff. And out of that has come now this series that we’re doing that we want to include you in, which is the Doctors Talk Series where we do interviews with top doctors and scientists on water stuff, having a lot of conversations. And then we publicize that year round but we also are packaging it in February as an entire summit so that we will be putting up everybody at once to have a bigger impact on how to think about water differently. And we’re looking forward to having you as one of our featured speakers.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: All right, let’s rock.

Gina Bria: Let’s rock Okay. So we’ll start from here.

So the Hydration Foundation and our Doctors Talk Series is very excited to bring to you, Rollin McCraty PhD. He is a scientist, a psychophysiologist. He’s the Executive Vice-President and Director of Research at the HeartMath Institute. The HeartMath Institute has become a venerated resource for heart health information around the world. it’s a very valuable organization. I love drawing your attention to it. HeartMath literally changed the science conversation on the heart to include invisible but driving emotions like driving forces around the heart like emotions as electromagnetic waves. And the impact has been quite profound. They’ve been able to bring this information into organizations, individuals, hospitals. They’re very influential, very excited to represent their work here, and I would like to say that the Hydration Foundation is following their model to do the same impact in the conversation around water science. So HeartMath people, we’ve been watching you for a long time. I love how you approach things and how you have been able to have such an impact with your research. By the way, you’ve changed the conversation around science and the heart and that’s what we hope we can do with water. And I can think of no better older brother scientist that I like to model myself on or our work at the Hydration Foundation than Dr. McCraty. His curiosity is everywhere because the information we need to understand ourselves and our planet as organizing systems really comes in on 360 degree. So what I love about Dr. McCraty is he’s out there looking at the world in a very big way in full circumference. So you’re going to find his interests are really broad ranging and how he goes about it is also something to know about. He’s opened the science door to our understanding on our biorelationships to trees, to lightning, to cosmological radiation. So you can understand how excited we are at the Hydration Foundation to have him speak on our Doctors Talk Series.

Dr. McCraty’s critical research on heart rate variability and heart rhythm coherence, and I’ve spent a lot of time on that word today, has gained international attention in the scientific community and is helping change the long held perceptions about the heart’s role in health, behavior, performance, quality of life, and our environment, how our hearts can change the planetary environment. Dr. McCraty and the members of his research team have joined in partnership with research groups at Stanford University, Claremont Graduate University and many others. And one of his primary areas of focus is the mechanisms by which emotions influence cognitive processes, behavior, health and global interconnectivity between people and the earth’s energetic systems is one of the primary creators of the global coherence initiative. I want that to land because I want you to participate in it coming out of this summit and find that there’s a way for you to be a participant in some very interesting and very important research about how our very hearts through our ability to change our heart rate so that we can begin to heal our planet as a whole.

So, welcome, Dr. McCraty.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: I hope I can live up to even part of that.

Gina Bria: Yes you can. You already have, dear. We’re so grateful for your work here and we want to thank you again for your willingness to think out loud with us about the possible connection between resonance, electromagnetic waves, and its impact on water. So this is more of a sharing of thoughts interview versus a presentation of the science that you do so well. And I would refer people to many, many interviews you’ve done, easy to find on YouTube or right at the HeartMath Institute, thinking out loud about and presenting the science for heart rate variability and what the HeartMath has done to create tools to make that possibility. So we just want to have kind of an informational explore these ideas more of a conversation here. And what we really want to do is just make the link for people that electromagnetic waves and water have something to do with each other and, in fact, for all biological action on the planet and how heart rate variability can modulate that response particularly in relation to water.

So I wanted to ask you two questions. And we can sort of frame this interview around what order they’re in according to your preference but the two things that I hope will come out of this interview is what role can heart rate variability play on the water inside of us. That’s one question we’ll go after in this interview. And the second is what role can geoelectromagnetic forces, that’s the cosmological forces and the planetary forces, play on water on our planet. So to launch our conversation I would use as a jumping off point a paper that was published at the HeartMath Research Institute by Dana Tomasino. It’s an article called The New Technology Provides Scientific Evidence of Water’s Capacity to Store and Amplify Week Electromagnetic and Subtle Energy Fields. So I’m just going to read a paragraph to start our conversation and then see where we go from there.

So “Water within us – Water is the universal medium for all biological activity. Nearly two thirds of the human body and one half of our organs by volume consist of water. This amounts to approximately 10 gallons of water largely enclosed within the trillions of cells inside of us. Increasing evidence indicates that water within living cells is highly structured, arranged in various intermolecular conformations, held together by extensive hydrogen bond networks, giving it quite different properties from the kind of liquid water that we’re used to thinking about water is water. It appears further that the structuring of cellular water is critical to healthy chemical functioning of the cell and increased knowledge of the mechanisms underlying electromagnetic and subtle information that water is able to amplify and transduce these subtle energies.

So that sort of starts a place for us. It helps people understand how we’re talking about cellular structure and electromagnetic waves and the impact on it. So tell us what you think about electromagnetic wave’s function on water inside of us.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Wow! I think that’s the best way to approach this. That paper you read, that goes way back. That’s probably early to mid ‘90s.

Gina Bria: ’91, yes.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: ’91?

Gina Bria: It’s been around for a while, right, but we don’t know.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Don’t remember that one. Maybe the best way to approach this relative to what you read in this particular conversation to tell kind of a story of mucking around in the lab, this was back in the early ‘90s, around the time that was published, and I don’t even remember why we’re doing it now or the context of it but we were doing experiments where we were electroding basically putting another very high impedance very sensitive electrode in water basically to measure outputs of the water signatures and so on. And we basically, in doing those experiments, taking [inaudible][13:14] test tube and an electrode in it and we’re doing these experiments, started there and looking at the signal coming out. We were also putting, to make this more make sense, inside of a coil that we were applying a small electromagnetic wave at different frequencies. And when we added water to the system, the tube with the electrode in it, the applied wave of the electromagnetic field was amplified many, many times, I mean, just radically dramatically amplified. And at the time William Teller was doing a lot of work here in our lab with us. He’s an expert, a lot of people know probably Dr. Tiller’s work was at the time he was the Head of Materials Science at Stanford, kind of a world expert on crystallization and we actually did a lot of crystallization experiments back then to see the effects of subtle energy or emotional states on the different materials crystallized. Anyway, that’s a little bit of a sidetrack.

So Bill said basically “This is impossible. Water can’t do that.” “But, Bill, here’s the data.” “Hmm.” So he spent a number of months working out a mathematical model and completely refigured out how water would do that. And then we did a bunch of experiments to verify the model and which weren’t quite right and he went back to the drawing board. Anyway, we finally did all that work with him. So water was amplifying subtle actually known electromagnetic fields and that was pretty interesting. It wasn’t supposed to happen but it was and then he figured out why and how to explain that with Dr. Tiller’s. He was theoretical physicist, of course. So that was kind of cool but then came the realization “Hey, I wonder if we can measure a person’s heartbeat in a glass of water.” That was the next logic in our step. So we basically took a glass of water kind of like, might even been this one, I don’t know, stuck an electrode in it and then put ECG on the person and the process called signal averaging to see if we can measure heartbeat in a glass of water. When we were putting, we were not touching it but putting our hands around it or even kind of near it. And lo and behold, we could. It was actually found that water was amplifying the magnetic field radiated by the heart, right? And you could [inaudible][15:57] in a glass of water. Cool, right? It was kind of neat. The fact that I’m sitting here now drinking my water, my heart is showing up in this class, literally right now you could measure that.

Gina Bria: That is a precious thing to hear

Dr. Rollin McCraty: It is true story. So in hindsight it’s kind of dumb the way we got to … Then the next step was “Oh, gee, we can measure it in a glass of water. We’re big bags of water. Maybe the water in us is amplifying the magnetic signals between us.” And we kind of went into it backwards.

Gina Bria: Got it. That’s like science to me.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: It’s a true story of how it actually unfolded.

Gina Bria: How science gets done.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: So then we started looking at could we detect the hearts magnetic field through communicating information between people with the idea that the water in us is amplifying the signals and connecting with the neural structures and systems and so on. And lo and behold, that was amazingly easy to do using the similar signal averaging technique. And so I thought “Well, this was actually really easy. I mean, the first experiment we did, it worked. Loud and clear. Boom! There it is, signal, right?” We did a few other experiments just to verify that we weren’t crazy and different people and all of that went on. I published some of that back then. And we first did it with touch and that was published. The Electricity Of Touch, I think, was the title of one of those.

Gina Bria: Great title.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: And then we started doing it without touching, found it works just as well without touching and so on.

Anyway, I said “God, this is so easy.” Somebody’s had no thought of this before. We’ve done this and we did all the searching we could and couldn’t find a single thing on it. So, apparently, we were the first to try this little simple experiment. Then I found out a couple of years later that Gary Swartz, I don’t know if you know him or not, he was kind of more active back then in this kind of stuff at the University of Arizona, doing these kind of wacky experiments, and that he was doing around the same time, maybe a little after us but somewhere in the same time some similar things but not necessarily the same path we were on. Anyway. I don’t know if that answers your question or not but water clearly amplifies at least biologically relevant signals. I need to say that because biological systems traces back to Ross Adey, I don’t know, you might not know of him but I had the honor of meeting Ross before he passed a number of years ago, he was kind of famous in the bioelectromagnetic medicine world. We met a few times actually. This was back again in the early and mid ‘90s. And for those that aren’t familiar with work, he shows that biological systems are exquisitely sensitive to actually very weak non-thermal magnetic fields but that there are very specific what he called windows that the signal has to be in a very specific frequency range and a very specific threshold of amplitude. Other than that, they don’t have biological effects but if they’re in that window, they have large, almost nonlinear large biological effects. And so it turns out that those windows are kind of important for us to understand too because the windows of the biological systems or human systems are sensitive to other biologically generated magnetic fields. So this kind of makes sense that we would be exquisitely tuned to the fields of other people, our own fields and other people that they fit in those windows but other signals don’t like 60 Hertz and power lines are things that are way outside of those windows in both frequency and amplitude.

Gina Bria: Weren’t those windows according to [inaudible][20:10] research partly related to, just to help people understand what you mean, that the biological function is determined almost like a developmental frequency like as a fetus you have certain physiological functions and electromagnetic waves that you wouldn’t be sensitive to 12 months later, that they are actually turning on …

Dr. Rollin McCraty: No, not so much that. And that may be true, by the way, I don’t know, but certainly in the fetal stage there’s a whole other current magnetic thing going on that actually guides development of the fetus. There’s been actually some current work on that that’s actually proven that you can change the currents and chicken and eggs and things, you can totally change the outcome of what the fetus looks like and grows up to be but that’s a whole different subject. That’s not where I was going.

Basically, our biological, he wants to say humans in this case, we only respond to an electromagnetic frequency of a very windowed range, small frequency range. Outside of that range they don’t affect us biologically. And the amplitude of the signal has to be within that window or that area of influence as well. So there are these narrow little thresholds that we respond to. If the signal’s not within that window, if you call them, we basically done respond.

Does that help?

Gina Bria: Yes. And I think the new research has added time to that same thing. So it’s frequency plus now where you are in the developmental stage.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: That will make sense.

Gina Bria: Yeah. Of course I’m dying to ask you what you think the role of hydration is in getting appropriate signals weather frequency wise or the receptor in some way?

Dr. Rollin McCraty: That’s very clear. Water is absolutely critical for biological function. No water, no life. You probably know more about this than I do that all the mechanisms of how … we certainly know that water structures around water loving, as Jerry Pollock says, structures and they’re sharing it with liquid crystal that clearly forms around biological molecules. In fact there’s a certain threshold of water within the cellular system or within a molecule that has to be there for it to function. If you remove enough water to below the critical threshold, then it no longer functions or works.

Gina Bria: Well, I can’t think of a better way to describe hydration.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Yeah. I mean, we got to have water to live.

Gina Bria: Just straight up let’s talk about it. Make sure you’ve got that water hydration level high enough for the frequencies to be able to do the work that they do. Can we phrase it that way?

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Well, you’re trying to push me to a place …

Gina Bria: Yes, I am.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: I mean, we don’t have to kind of go there. I mean, obviously, we have to have a water delivery, drink plenty of clean good water. I mean, that’s a no-brainer but I think to be below the threshold that we’re talking about here for cellular function, you have to be pretty dehydrated.

Gina Bria: Okay, that’s good to hear. So we’re safe.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Yeah, I think we’re safe but if you’re without water in the desert for a few days, you’re probably dehydrated enough that you die basically, right? I don’t think we need to go to those extremes here.

Gina Bria: And the role of liquid crystalline water and electromagnetic function.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Well, what we’re talking about is, in terms of water and cellular function, it’s not the same water. You know more about this than I do probably. You work with Jeremy.

Gina Bria: No but I want you to say it.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: This kind of goes back to another … because we did a lot of wacky stuff, not really wacky but stuff we didn’t have. Back in the early ‘90s, we were kind of careful what we published. So I had to be careful what I talking about here. I did publish one little article that just represented two years of work just to kind of plant a flag “Hey, we did this” but in a kind of obscure journal but a peer review journal where we were doing nonlocal intention experiments and using DNA as a target. So one of the things you can tell major with DNA in a UV spectrophotometer is how well under wound the two strands of the DNA are and that’s called the conformational state. And one of the ways you can unwind DNA is to heat it up. So we would kind of partially unwind the DNA and measure it and basically the outcome of a bunch of experiments, we were very careful about this and a lot of different people over a couple-year period to intentionally wind or unwind the DNA. It was the reason we were doing this. And that worked quite well actually. As long as people were in a high coherent state that you mentioned a bit earlier, that was one of the two criteria to reliably cause the DNA to wind or unwind run is that you’re coherent and that you have the intention riding on that coherence to wind or unwind. So both are necessary. Either by themselves were not really effective but the reason that I share that is that in the end of all that we kind of sorted out at least theoretically that the side of action that caused the change in the DNA was the water surrounding the molecule. That was really where the interface was or wasn’t for water. The structured water or the liquid crystal really is what it is. It’s a liquid crystal structure that’s formed because it’s next to the DNA. So one of my hypotheses, as I call it and actually we’re getting ready with some new experiments on this, is that the liquid crystal phase of water is a perfect, the word I shouldn’t use here, antenna of transition, transformer of very weak electromagnetic or some of what we would call subtler type energy fields like emotional state, for example. That is the interface for those affects. And, of course, I think we talked earlier, Emilio Nagase, I’ve always pronounce his last name wrong, who unfortunately passed away at too young of an age but I also was fortunate to get to know him while he was still with us and if someone has a question for a theoretical physicist or a quantum physicist who did a lot of work on modeling the mathematics of how water is the, like he proposed in one of his papers, you’re probably very familiar with it, that water is the interface in all living systems and that it’s the electromagnetic fields that binds together the entire ecosystem. So humans, trees, plants, the whole thing is because of the water. And, of course, I was really enjoyed getting to know him and understanding his work because one of our hypotheses here is that the earth’s magnetic field is that that he was talking about. He didn’t quite go to the same place we did, as far as I know, but basically what we’re suggesting is that we’re all coupled to the geomagnetic field of the earth, literally coupled to, I didn’t know how. So it not only affects us, that’s very clear, tons of studies show that we’re affected by the activity of that field but we’re suggesting that we also feed the field. I would invite your listeners to, if you can, stop every now and then pause and consider what am I feeding the field because our thoughts and emotions are all coupled to the field. And very likely, especially if we believe Emilio’s work, which I do, that water would be one of the key structures in the interface between the earth’s magnetic field and our own biomagnetic fields. There has to be a mechanism for that and what he outlined in his theory is very plausible and, I think, testable hypothesis for how that actually happens or how the coupling actually works. I’m rambling a bit but hopefully …

Gina Bria: No, no, because now I get to hold this and sort of place it in front of our … because we’re just having this conversation, right? And, by the way, Dr. McCraty, thank you so much for keeping us alert to the lineage that we’re carrying here. We have scientists who’ve passed on, whose work we still need to revere and to speak about and to keep alive in front of us. So bringing forth his work and I hope we have a chance … You’ve already mentioned a couple names which we’ll highlight again, put their work again under your interview in the link so that they can go back and look at these people and their work as well because even this weekend, I was asked “Well, nobody else is talking about structured water. That can’t be a real thing, right?” And yet the impact of the science and the thinking is growing and growing and growing. We need it as the solution. What you’ve framed for us is how our personal hydration, I’m going to say it one way and then I’ll say it another way, our personal hydration is one of the ways in which we can have an impact on all living systems on this planet by how we feed it, what kind of energies we’re giving it. And, again, the way we carry our emotional coherence is part of how we’re going to get ourselves out of our ecology crisis. This is a really, really, just down and dirty way to say it, right? There’s sort of like “Okay, will somebody say it, please?” So this is a perfect opportunity to ask you now about your Global Coherence Initiative. I really want to make sure that the we open up for our listeners here at the Hydration Foundation your work with the Global Coherence Initiative and how we can take action steps to be involved in this first by adding a nice big glass of the best kind of water, structured water and then taking opportunity to join your project. So tell us about that.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Sure. So, GCI, short for Global Coherence Initiative, this is a special project within the HeartMath Institute, which is the nonprofit side of HeartMath. So … There’s two HeartMaths, .com and .org. So the research is all on the .org site because people sometimes get confused about that. You go to the wrong site, you don’t find all the research and all the stuff we’re talking about bug, anyway, this is really the study of the interconnectivity between, I’ll say, humanity and the earth itself and your synergetic or magnetic systems but really all living systems. You mentioned the Tree Project. That’s part of it because trees are another living system that will help us prove or disprove the hypothesis. So to give a little background, we’re going to do research. We have the major things. So we spent quite a few years now installing what’s called the Global Coherence Monitoring System. So these are exquisitely sensitive magnetometers with facial magnetic fields which are specifically designed to measure the technically called [inaudible][32:19] like the moving components in the earth’s magnetic fields. So these are around the earth. So we’ve got one here at our location here in California. We’re remote enough. We can have one here. Let’s see Canada, Lithuania, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, South Africa. I’m forgetting one. One is getting ready to go in probably [inaudible][32:42]. I wish we didn’t have to do this ourselves. There are a lot of magnetometers out there but they’re not designed to measure the active of the moving fields that are really major, the DC of the static field. So they don’t really get, at least not very accurately or to the degree of accuracy we need the moving fields which have resonances.

I’m kind of jumping around here. So let me back up.

Gina Bria: I just want to help people understand what you’re doing. You guys have gone out and put monitors around the planet by yourself, no help, I mean, you have your colleagues, to begin to measure these electromagnetic waves and forces in dynamic time. We are gathering information, important information on how these frequencies and electromagnetic fields have an impact on the biology of the whole planet.

Thank you for such a global project across all lines of nationalism and all the struggles we’re facing. So to get an opportunity to participate in this project is a great opportunity, it’s a great privilege.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Absolutely, I would invite anybody. And in fact, there’s a new app that makes it really easy to participate.

Gina Bria: We’ll talk about that too.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Let’s let me back up and finish. I’ll talk about two things that are important to note. Then I’ll mention another famous guy that we need to [inaudible][34:18]. I need to get a little earth ball or something here when I talk about this to have the demo.

Gina Bria: You have that there right behind on your shelf.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Absolutely. Okay, imagine the magnetic field of the Earth, right? Most people know what the geomagnetic field is. It’s the North Pole, South Pole, thing our campus is tuned into, right? So this is a pure magnetic field, right? Electric fields and magnetic fields are very different things, by the way. People always call it electromagnetism like it’s one blobby thing. It’s not. The Earth’s geomagnetic field is pure magnetic field and the magnitude or the strength of that field is not really changing much relative our day to day lives. Yeah, it changes but it’s over hundreds of thousands of years. So I don’t wake up worrying about the magnetic field changing but the relevant thing here is, well, if you time travel back to when we were kids in junior high or high school, wherever it was, and you got in science class, you dump iron filings on a glass plate and you put a magnet under it and they tend to all magically dance around and line up and show you the shape of the whatever the shape of the field is of your particular magnet but if you recall those iron filings lined up in very specific lines, it’s not just as a homogeneous black blob, right? So these are showing us that there actually are things called magnetic field lines or flux lines they’re sometimes called. These are real things, okay? So, we can visualize them. So earth’s magnetic field is the same way. It’s made up of field lines – North to South Pole.

Now what’s interesting here why this is relevant is that these magnetic field lines literally, and I’m not talking metaphorically here, literally act just like guitar strings. You can pluck them and they vibrate, okay? So just like a guitar the length of the line and the tension of the line control its frequency or its note or pitch and you pluck the string. So earth is exactly the same way. So the magnetic field lines are very long, hundreds of thousands of miles long or the South Pole out into space to protect the field of earth. So what’s plucking the strings of earth is the solar wind rushing by at about million miles per hour and it compresses the field on the daytime side and stretches it out on the nighttime side. Meanwhile, earth is turning and so is the sun and so is this complex interplay of plucking the strings.

One of the primary resonant frequencies, just on normal days, actually called field line resonances, in this case the science term actually makes sense, describes what it actually is, the field line is vibrating and resonating, is a frequency of 0.1 Hertz. There’s a range of these frequencies but one of the primary resonant frequencies is about 0.1 Hertz, which is exactly the same frequency as the human heart rhythm when we’re in a coherent state, exactly the same frequency. And we naturally, need to add here, go into a coherent heart rhythm when we’re actually having the felt experience, not the thoughts, you can’t think yourself into coherence, but actually feeling things like appreciation, gratitude, kindness, care, love, compassion and we’re actually experiencing these types of emotionally, emotions, I like to call them, our physiology literally flips into a different functional mode we now call coherence. And that rhythm that’s reflected in our heart rhythm is exactly the same as earth’s vibrating resonant frequency, okay?

There’s the other set of magnetic waves.

Gina Bria: Wait. Could I just hold up my head?

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Sure.

Gina Bria: Because what you’re saying is using the science and it’s so valuable to have this conversation in the science terms but you’re saying we’re at one with the earth.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: I’m saying that our hearts oscillate and vibrate at the same frequency as the magnetic field lines vibrating the earth, yes.

Gina Bria: Yeah, I like that. Continue.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: So let me just expand on that. Then a second set of magnetic frequencies that system’s designed to measure are called Schumann resonances and more people have heard about them, I don’t know why, but Schumann resonances are actually very weak compared to field line resonances, magnetically speaking. I mean, they’re hundreds of times field line resonances are much stronger. The Schumann resonances, a lot of people really don’t understand them and you get all this stuff coming out every couple of years about earth’s frequencies are changing and all that, which is utter nonsense, by the way. The Schumann resonances are magnetic waves that travel around the surface of the earth and they’re trapped between the bottom of what’s called the ionosphere and the surface of the earth. Think of the ionosphere a big soap bubble around the planet. And the bottom of the ionosphere is like a mirror to low frequency magnetic waves that bounce off of it. Ham radio operators, that’s what they do. They bounce their radio signal off of it to talk to somebody on the other side of the planet. So when these magnetic waves get created that fit the geometry in a coherent way or resonant with it, they become what are called globally propagating standing waves. If you translate that into people speak, this means they’re everywhere all the time, okay? And there’s eight of them and the first one is 7.82 Hertz, then 14, so on and so on, which all overlap our brainwave frequencies. So, basically, the two different magnetic systems of birth are vibrating and oscillating at the same frequency as our hearts and brains of humanity. And you mentioned resonance earlier on.

So if we transport back to science class, most of us got to play with tuning forks to demonstrate the principle of resonance or it works with guitar strings, anything tuned to the same frequency. You pluck a guitar string and another guitar across the room will start vibrating or tuning forks, right? What they didn’t teach us in science class though was that tuning forks and these types of systems that are highly coherent, you have to have coherent systems to have resonance, right? Basically, more technically what we’re talking about is resonance transfer or resonant coupling, showing that you can transfer energy information between two vibrating systems when they operate at the same frequency. So in the case of our tuning forks, the air molecules that mediate that carry the energy. The magnetic fields work exactly the same way. You just don’t need the air molecules.

How do I know that? Well, in my early career I was a communications engineer for Motorola. And we’re all walking around with cell phones, right? And so how does our voice and our picture get from our phone to the cell tower and then around the world? Well, that electromagnetic field is carrying that information. And we all know they work inside. So when I say when the hearts feel radiance outside the body, well, how do I know that? Well, we measure it, first of all, with an instrument called magnetometer, different type, but it’s the magnetic component that is why our cell phones work inside, they go right through the walls. And we all had that experience. We can have a conversation inside of even an elevator, right? So they obviously work but it’s the magnetic field. So basically that’s a long-winded way of saying our hearts and brains are vibrating with the earth and we have the basic physics to understand how energy and information can be transferred between all of our hearts and brains to the global field environment and I actually call it the Global Information Field that I’m suggesting is mediated by these magnetic fields that we can measure in. So, clearly, humanity is affected by these rhythms, these oscillations, and these resonant frequencies. We published multiple studies. We actually have whole section on our website on global coherence with studies that are published now in the journals and we’re getting ready to publish some more profound, I think, even more profound studies.

I’m going to cut to the chase here and get to all the science but what we’re finding here is when we do recordings with devices that record what’s called Heart Rate Variability to validate the beat to beat change in our heart rate which reflects the dynamics going on in our nervous system, we can measure that activity through this HRV or Heart Rate Variability. We’ve had people wearing these devices that record their HRV 24 hours a day for some studies a month, one study five months, so very long term according to groups of people. First time anybody’s ever done this, as far as we know. So that lets us look at the correlations between changes in the magnetic field or solar or other cosmic influences, which all have influences, by the way, but the surprise came when we Sync Time synchronized the data from people now across the planet in countries all around the earth and found that our heart rhythms are actually synchronizing to the earth’s rhythms. And because of that, we’re actually in sync with each other literally even in radically different time zones. So we’ve got people in Saudi Arabia whose hearts are in sync with people in New Zealand and California and England and Lithuania and so on. So it’s pretty amazing because we would never have predicted this. This was one of those kind of following the data examples. That was a huge surprise that they came out of this that we would be that in sync with the earth’s rhythms. Now not everybody is. We also see that people probably … We don’t know all the reasons and mechanisms but clearly people who are in a lot of stress, mental emotional stress do not tend to synchronize as well.

So those are some of the findings. I think the important thing, just to reiterate that I mentioned earlier, as I’ve suggesting it’s a giant biofeedback system, two-way communication, yes, we’re clearly affected by the rhythms of the earth but I’m really seeing that we’re also feeding the field information as well. So more and more organizations are doing global meditation or prayer days or things like this to consciously feel more peace, to add that into the field environment. And that’s really fantastic because that does pulse a stronger signal that helps more people wake up. Doing that once a month like we do in the Global Coherence Initiative around full moon because we do organize things like this but just as important is what are we feeding the field between those full moon meditations or synchronized events is it all counts. We’re all feeding the field all the time. That’s why my biggest call to action here would be [inaudible][45:36] stop and consider what am I feeding the field but the ratio of it is really being kind and caring and compassionate and appreciative versus maybe a little bit angry or anxious or impatient and so on because I didn’t get to do those stuff. Still all counts and this is something where every individual has kind of equal say, so to speak. It says nothing to do with what your station in life is or how much money you make. We all feed the field. And the more coherent we are, the more we resonate with the field. So one thing I would say is that as we learn to become more coherent, we are actually having a bigger impact on putting a stronger coherent signal into that planetary field environment, which helps all other living systems within the field, I mean, all living systems, whether it’s trees, [inaudible][46:26] and so on.

Gina Bria: It’s extraordinary what you’re saying, extraordinary that we can by our heart broadcast bring impact to environmental conditions. And I like to share that making that signal more coherent, water can help us do that.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Right. Yeah, it ties right back to Emilio’s work – coherent structures and coherent water mediating [inaudible][47:00].

Gina Bria: Yes.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: He loved our stuff and what we were doing.

Now here’s another personal mention I should be doing. Another one of my mentors, a lot of people will not recognize the name probably, and that was Franz Halberg. Okay but most people have heard of Circadian Rhythms, right? So Dr. Halberg coined the term ‘Circadian Rhythm’. He’s the originator and discovered Circadian Rhythms, how important they are in his whole career. Also, he was on our advisory board and a great supporter as well. And he actually suggested in his later years that we have the biological rhythms we do. The fact that our heart rhythm is 0.1 hertz, it’s a coherent rhythm and our brainwaves are the rhythms they are because we evolved in the rhythms and frequencies of the earth.

Gina Bria: Of course, it makes perfect sense. Where else are we going to get the information?

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Right but that’s pretty radical for a lot of people to think that, first of all, understanding that the earth has these rhythms and frequencies, because it’s not common knowledge and it’s the same as us and that we really are this giant biofeedback system and what we feed the field counts and it impacts others. And as you would love me to say, well, water is the ultimate mediator and interface between the electromagnetic signals and the various biological system.

Gina Bria: Yeah, pretty valuable because it’s a very simple, very positive, and you’re letting us know, very impactful thing that we can do by keeping ourselves well hydrated and in a good positive energy and staying in that kind of calm resonance that the coherent heart has to bring a level eye towards our solutions. I’m so surrounded, Dr. McCraty, by people running around with their heads cut off yelling “Crisis, crisis, crisis.” Yes. And what actions can we take? They can’t be as simple as a glass of water and a time for bringing down your stress through meditation.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Yeah. I mean, yes, I’m going to agree hydration is important but I’d also say that as important is that we learn how to really self manage our emotional diet. And that’s not so easy. That’s really what HeartMath is about. It’s providing simple tools and techniques and technologies to help facilitate people learning these skills to learn how to align more with who they really are and what we call heart intelligence and we mean that literally, understanding the muscles in the heart are more intelligent than anywhere else or the neurons in the heart but that is the access point to that larger part of ourselves that we are staking a claim saying that energetic heart is real. And it is the bridge to that larger part of our selves, whatever word you want to call it, and that as we learn to appreciate more, that kind of opens the heart and takes us into a coherent state or compassion, these higher emotions. That connects the bridge to who we really are and brings in another dimension of intelligence, kind of increases our consciousness and awareness so that we can better self regulate our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, especially emotion because that’s where we tend to … but too much significance in things and too much drama that drain our own energy, that we don’t have the energy for really co-creating the potential we really have as human beings.

Gina Bria: We like to say at the Hydration Foundation if you’re irritable, go get a glass of water.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: I wish it was that simple. If it was that simple …

Gina Bria: I wish it was, yeah.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: … the world would not be in the state it is but it does take another level of self regulation where you align with that deeper part of ourselves, become more caring and compassionate.

Gina Bria: I’d love to hear you say a little bit more about Circadian Rhythms and riding those waves and that work, I think, also is important.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: I’m not sure where you want me to go with that. I mean, obviously, all living systems have Circadian Rhythms that we know of. And they’re also in sync with the earth’s rhythms and the earth’s fields. I mean, that’s how Dr. Hubbard got [inaudible][51:30] and understood the importance. And he published many studies actually showing the solar and earth magnetic rhythms have big impacts on human biology but mainly focused on Circadian Rhythms. So when the earth’s fields get disturbed, so sort of our Circadian Rhythms because we’re in sync with those and so on.

Gina Bria: I’m aware of a work coming out of Southern Texas. I’ll think of her name in a minute and I’ll put the link down but she was actually identifying the Circadian Rhythms of the bacteria. So, these are also …

Dr. Rollin McCraty: These are all living systems.

Gina Bria: Yes. So it isn’t just our Circadian Rhythm to the earth but even the bacteria’s that are inside of us.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Trees, trees have their Circadian Rhythms.

Gina Bria: Right. And then, again, reminding people the interface of all that happening is the rhythms of the water that are inside all of us and around us whether if you vapor, people aren’t used to thinking of vapor as water, as the air as part of our water system. I wonder if there’s anybody else you’d like. I think you knew Mae-Wan Ho.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Yeah, I know Mae-Wan quite well, actually,

Gina Bria: I’m so excited to bring her name forward too and I’d love if you just would share a little bit about the work that she’s done that you’ve been influenced by or aware of.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Well, I mean, Mae-Wan, again, passed before her time, I think. She was a beautiful soul and a beautiful woman on many levels. I think her biggest contribution was she was the first to demonstrate quantum coherence in living systems. And she loved our work on coherence and actually wrote about us in her books a lot and referenced our work as I do hers. I mean, she ultimately, really, I think, moved the conversation from the reductionist, in fact, in her last book she really defines the difference between nonliving and living systems which are made out of the same stuff as quantum coherence. Quantum coherence is what makes the difference. I mean, when you think about a body, and she points this out quite clearly and elegantly, that we’ve got everything from atoms swirling together to make molecules, molecules to cells, cells to organs, organs to bodies to social systems. I mean, that’s two-thirds of the known octaves of scale. I mean, it’s crazy what has to happen for that level of order to come together as a living system both structurally and across time and the only thing that can possibly explain this is quantum coherence. Anyway, that’s, I think, what her biggest contribution was.

Gina Bria: Living Rainbows and H2O was her last work in which she covers … And she writes about it beautifully, again, how we get coherent. We come that way but then how do we keep it rolling forward is really …

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Okay. So hopefully I gave people something to think about.

Gina Bria: You did. Thank you so much for this conversation and for your work and it is global. We love sharing what you do and we want to invite people into the Global Coherence Project, if you’ll have us.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Absolutely. In fact, you can learn more at or there’s a new app that allows … you do need a sensor. You don’t have to have sensors to participate but we can actually measure people’s coherence at a group level. So you can be anywhere in the world and the Apple Track … you become part of what we call the Global Coherence Network if you register. The app’s got a map. It shows you who else around the world is there at that time radiating coherent intentions to the planetary field environment. And if you have one of our pulse sensors, you can hook up to the app and actually record your own HRV, how coherent it is and be a part of that collective total of coherent heart energy we’re adding to field. That’s called the Global Coherence App. It’s in the app stores. So you learn more about it on our website as well,

Gina Bria: I think it’s an absolutely lovely project, more than lovely. I think it’s very impactful but it’s really fun to be able to join forces with you and be in partnership on that project. And we thank you for your holding a place in the lineage yourself and bringing people to our attention to remind ourselves to … It is a miracle to be a living entity and we are grateful that we’ve had a chance to talk. We thank you for your work and look forward to putting this up with all this information about HeartMath and glad to do it. Dr. McCraty, thank you so much being available.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Thank you, Gina, for the interview and you’re helping spread the word.

Gina Bria: Absolutely, absolutely. Good day, take care.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Likewise.

Gina Bria: Well, if there’s anything else you want to add or say … Oh, I know I forgot to ask you what ways do you hydrate.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: What?

Gina Bria: What are the two ways …

Dr. Rollin McCraty: I drink water. It’s really that simple.

Gina Bria: I love it. I think it is very simple. Just a joy. Thank you so much. Have a great lunch. And this will go up. We’re going to pull out a couple of quotes and put it on YouTube and then the full interview will be on our website always but starting as soon as we get it edited and then it will be batched for the Hydration Foundation. And we’ll come back to you and let you know when that will happen. So if you would help us spread that through your community, that’d be awesome.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Sounds good.

Gina Bria: Bye, bye.

Dr. Rollin McCraty: Bye, bye.

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Gina Bria


Gina Bria, founder of the Hydration Foundation is an anthropologist and author. Her research in desert communities asked “How can they survive without 8 glasses a day?” Finding that water locked inside plants is a concentrated form of water and more hydrating lead her to the new science of water. Her book Quench, with co-author Dana Cohen, MD is now in 6 languages.

Mother Earth is Calling Us Through Water

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